The Silt Verses is a narrative horror podcast, but just calling it horror is doing it a disservice. It’s like a vaguely post-collapse society I believe in the UK but I’m bad at names and haven’t really looked it up, where something caused animist/chaote religion to be real, basically. So you have all these Forgotten Gods of various sizes cropping up again. And the remnants of the government basically exists to regulate and control people thru the cults of these gods. So there’s like licensed and unlicensed religions. Licensed religions are like gods to capitalism basically, you have an electricity god, a coffee god, a train god. They’re literally made in a marketing department. Unlicensed gods are mostly gods of nature, that a lot of people turned against after Whatever Vaguely Apocalyptic Event poisoned much of the land. The story follows two unlicensed river cultists trying to rebuild their religion after their river turned poisonous and their people got progromed.
Obviously there’s a lot of Political Allegory, but it doesn’t really delve into jerking itself off about politics, which I like. A glut of queer characters. Some of the most beautiful prose I’ve heard in a podcast.
a summary i typed up when someone was looking for podcasts earlier. currently airing and definitely deserves a bigger audience <3
Yknow what, I almost certainly will. Just gotta do a little more catching up first bc I’m about halfway through what’s been released so far!
Just hmu here ^~^