• DarkFuture@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Americans are too weak to demand what we deserve. Too complacent.

    Worker productivity has skyrocketed over the last century, but we’re still working the same 40+ hour work weeks. What’s the point of advancing technology and increasing efficiency if our lives don’t get easier/happier?

    Healthcare is dogshit and we’re all categorically getting ripped off by it.

    We used to tax rich people appropriately in this country and, surprise surprise, the middle class was way stronger back then.

    Now we’re just pussies that let the useless mega-rich do whatever the fuck they want to us and idolize them for it.

    We’re a bunch of bitches is what we are. Too feeble and uneducated to bring about real change. Even voting against our own best interests because we can’t be bothered to learn anything. We’re honestly pathetic.