Please, people. Be reasonable and considerate of Reddit’s need to make money. It is, afterall, spez’s main focus.

  • @boff
    291 year ago

    What’s up with people posting screenshots of text here? Are these screenshots of things random no name redditors are saying on reddit? Are these pictures of posts that are getting tons of upvotes or significant in any sort of way?

    • DoucheAsaurus
      51 year ago

      People just don’t want to link directly to the site. I know I’m still boycotting as much as possible, I’ve only gone back to post a link to a kbin guide. Also, what is a no-name redditor? Would you take this more seriously if someone else had said it?

      • @boff
        1 year ago

        Not wanting to link to reddit makes sense.

        Though I would say, I would take something more seriously if a Reddit admin or a mod from a dozen subreddits said it. That would add lot more significance to a post like this. If it was from a highly upvoted post, then it’s be more likely a form of protest that reddit mods might have seen or even decide to take seriously.

        When I don’t see any attribution I can’t help but think it’s just OP faking a post or just trying to get attention for themselves instead of just posting a text post to discuss the idea. Maybe I’m just jaded from my days on reddit though.

    • can
      51 year ago

      It’s highlighting a fun new way mods are protesting without being shut down.

      • @boff
        11 year ago

        If this was a way mods would actually protest, wouldn’t it make sense to say who is saying it? They removed all attribution, all indication of votes, or any example of a subreddit actually doing it. Maybe I’m jaded from my many years on reddit, but I always get suspicious when I see a post like this that it could be a fake post or something.

        With that said, if moderators actually did set their subs, like /r/aww to nsfw, that would be pretty funny.

        • can
          11 year ago

          Have you taken a look at /r/interestingasfuck lately? Only site wide rules now lol.

          • @boff
            21 year ago

            Now that’s something worth a post, not taking a screenshot of some random nobody posting a random bit of text

    • IninewCrow
      11 year ago

      I think part of it is to continue that interest in the old site … some of these posts are really suspicious in the way they keep wanting to drive people back to interact with the old site in one way or another - malicious or not, it’s still driving traffic there

      I gave up cold turkey … I dumped the site, the app, all my accounts (I had four) and just stopped looking into the site or doing anything there

      The best thing to do with social media sites you don’t like is to just stop interacting with them … completely.

      I’m active now on kbin and lemmy … I’ll keep all my activity on these media sites from now on … I’m not wasting my energy on the old dumpster fire.

      • moneygrowsontrees
        11 year ago

        Same here. I walked away from Reddit and, while I understand that people are going through an adjustment, the obsession with monitoring Reddit from here and constantly talking about it is a little weird. I do think some of the creative things mods are doing is funny, though, so maybe I’m part of the problem.

    • hardypart
      31 year ago

      i can’t believe people here are actually falling for this being a serious post

      These people probably stopped reading before the last sentence, lol

    • Contextual IdiotOP
      11 year ago


      Did you drop this? --> /s

      Or are you looking for instructions? Here:

      Step 1: Go to Reddit.

      Step 2: Make a sailor blush.

  • Pilirin
    61 year ago

    i’m fucking programming that shit into automod before i fuck outta there while flashing the bird behind me with both hands

    • Contextual IdiotOP
      21 year ago

      Just have it reply to every comment with the What did you say to me/Navy Seal copypasta.

    • IninewCrow
      21 year ago

      Come on muthafucka come on
      Come on muthafucka come on
      Come on muthafucka come on
      Come on muthafucka come on
      Come on muthafucka come on

    • spriteblood
      11 year ago

      Larboard Oaks Mansion ghost tour. On the adult tour after 10pm, we can say whatever the hell we want.

  • Dick Justice
    11 year ago

    The Lord’s day, lol? Who wrote that, and whar wwas the intended audience?