No gf, no friends, it’s hard to meet new people. Tinder and other apps don’t work. Idk even if I travel somewhere I’m alone

    2 months ago

    I can’t completely relate as im that type of person who never gets enough alone time for my liking. My idea of a good time is a two hour hot bath or taking a nice walk through a natural setting or just being left with my thoughts. That being said while I may have a smaller social tank and my mileage on it is super efficient. Everyone needs companionship every so often. Alls I can say is I met my wife at a sci fi convention so basically while being part of an interest I enjoyed. I have nice neighbors but you know I will bring the mail to their door (its a condo) when its on the way and most christmasses I got something and left it for xmass at their doors. I do not put signage but after a few years they figure it out (did not this year but they know im between jobs so Im betting they will understand). I have a dog I walk and meet folks while walking her. We have a regular mail man (actually did not for awhile as the lady retired and then we got like temps till a new regular got the route), super, and more often than not when the elevator breaks we get the same guy who I am just getting to the point of recognizing and hes pretty social and affable so will take a view minutes to chat as he goes between gigs. I liked the arc mmos (champions and star trek online) although I don’t do them anymore. Those are tough because you have to do some major blocking before the chats are civil. I mean its not hard as the low hanging fruit of folks just blasting explicatives or derogatory stuff or whatever improves it massively and then over the long term you figure out the sneakier troll types. Worked much better in champions which had a smaller more intimate community. Tons a furries though so you have to be an open minded type but they kept most of the furry rp to dedicated channels so its not like the local one was filled with it. I recently did some pathfiner 2E doing play by discourd and met some very nice folks. Someone posted in the pathfinder community that a guy was doing begginers box sessions folks could sign up for till the new year. Most of my talk has been about now but you know I was living at a place where on one side of me was the family that was the core of the local gang and the other was a slumlord. two properties down though had some really nice folks. so you can pick and choose the neighbors you associate with. I don’t know if any of this will help but I hope it does.