I have a physical disability that makes a lot of things hard to do. I can’t really have hobbies or a job if my brain declines. That’s one of the biggest reasons I still care about covid prevention. That and death (immunocompromised).
Caught COVID last December working my retail job. I mask up but a lot of customers do not. For the holiday rush, I was transferred to a smaller location with short ceilings and no ventilation.
I took my two weeks off but unfortunately passed on the COVID to my medically fragile 15- month baby daughter.
Even with my wife isolating me in our one-bedroom apartment while my two ladies slept in the living room. They had to.stay in the hospital for a few days including Christmas 😔
Since then, my sense of smell has decreased significantly. And I remain the only one of my several retail co-workers that continues to mask. I live in a left-leaning city, which means 1 in every 5 or 6 customers does mask.
My work provides the basic hosputal-like mask but I need.to research something with more protection but that is still comfortable to wear for an 8, 10, even 12 hour shift.
Wow, I’m so sorry you had to go through that scare with your daughter and didn’t walk away unscathed yourself either.
I’m trying to think of a good mask resource. I haven’t really looked into him myself, but there’s this guy that talks a shit ton about different masks and respirators and tests them to see how protective they are: https://twitter.com/masknerd?lang=en
He has a whole ass spreadsheet about it too lol: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M0mdNLpTWEGcluK6hh5LjjcFixwmOG853Ff45d3O-L0/htmlview?usp=drive_web&ouid=108355114845682180386&pru=AAABfniWips*ZW4K5ipiMBIUEgzyHDB1eA
I think I saw it posted on this site once before.