• @schnapsidee@feddit.de
    131 year ago

    Decisions like this just prove how massive the market for a self-hostable alternative is. They’re not banning it because it’s a bad tool, they’re banning it because they’re concerned about what happens to the source code their engineers paste into it.

    There are already a bunch of OSS attempts, and it likely won’t take long until we have something of comparable quality to ChatGPT is available for companies to host on their own hardware.

      • @schnapsidee@feddit.de
        21 year ago

        As I said, there are some self-hostable alternatives, but nothing even remotely enterprise ready yet. I’m keeping a pretty close eye on this because my boss wants to train a support chatbot on company data and run it on our own hardware. (And an alternative to copilot would be great too, as that’s banned for internal use.) There are some great tools to tinker around with, but I haven’t found anything that I would call production ready.

    • @eight_byte@feddit.de
      1 year ago

      Companies are also banning ChatGPT because its unclear from where the code it spits out was stolen and how it’s licensed. Copy and pasting code from AI tools is an enormous legal risk for a software company.

    • Mon0
      31 year ago

      No, this just proves what everybody knows that has worked with ChatGPT. It is a nice tool if you want to write a story but everything else is just a time waste. Contrary to the media belief 99% of ChatGPTs answers to business related questions (including coding) produce a partially wrong or completely wrong answer.
      You rly can‘t trust the answers ChatGPT gives you at all.
      And coding … Copilot is already not good (in coding but very useful for auto completion) but ChatGPT is actually worse. ChatGPT fails even on easy coding tasks in most languages and even the JS solutions are mostly horrible.

      Sure the code is also a problem, but in the here and now the biggest problem are devs that just believe whatever ChatGPT prints out and in the end you have a PR full of code (including deprecated extensions and packages) from yesteryear.

      But self hosted models would be awesome nonetheless.

      • yske
        21 year ago

        if you want to write a mediocre story, anyway

        agreed otherwise

      • @tinselpar@feddit.nl
        21 year ago

        You rly can‘t trust the answers ChatGPT gives you at all.

        I asked the local AI, and it agrees with you:

        The trustworthiness of ChatGPT as an educational resource is a topic of discussion. Here are some points from the search results:
            ChatGPT provides fast answers to inputs, but they're not necessarily trustworthy. It can give wholly or partially false information that seems very believable. People in the artificial intelligence research world deem this problem “hallucinations” 1
            ChatGPT's responses are based on patterns in the text it was trained on, not on external facts and data. While the tool tries to provide correct information, its responses are not always trustworthy2
            ChatGPT can sometimes provide incorrect or inaccurate answers. The frequency of incorrect answers can vary depending on the specific question, the available training data, and the complexity of the topic. While ChatGPT has been trained on a wide range of internet text to generate responses, it does not have real-time information or knowledge beyond its training data3
            ChatGPT may make mistakes such as providing irrelevant or incorrect responses, repeating itself, or producing responses that are inconsistent with the context of the conversation. These mistakes can occur because ChatGPT is trained on vast amounts of text data, including unverified and potentially biased information, which can lead to incorrect or outdated information4
            ChatGPT's credibility is influenced by its training data, which can introduce biases or inaccuracies, and the fine-tuning process, which involves human reviewers. It's important to approach the model's responses critically and verify information from reliable sources when needed3
        **In summary, while ChatGPT can provide helpful responses, it is not always trustworthy and its responses should be verified against other sources.**

        It wouldn’t make that shit up would it? 🤣😂

  • MentalEdge
    1 year ago

    How to neuter your own ability to compete: ban your workers from using the latest tool for boosting employee performance.

      • animist
        51 year ago

        Better stop using xerox machines to make copies and write everything out by hand

      • @PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca
        41 year ago

        I’m gonna vehemently disagree with you. As a knowledge worker, ChatGPT allows me to offload low level thinking and writing tasks so I can focus on bigger picture creative aspects.

        GPT speeds up my quality work output by around half. Those who refuse to incorporate it into their work flow will find they fall behind compared to those who have successfully integrated it.

      • MentalEdge
        1 year ago

        Then you don’t have much faith for your co-workers competence in wielding any given tool to its greatest utility. Using an LLM like ChatGPT to access data hardly automatically means you’re also a brain-dead search result copy-paster.

        Yes, its a new interface for existing data, the same way digital files are to data on paper. Only ever using the latter is really inefficient, and stupid in a world where the digital files exist. Not that the hardcopies cant be to their own utility, or be used as corroborating data.

        It’s a really good interface, if you know how to use it. This is like banning search engines because you expect your workers to be expert at everything, so they shouldn’t need support tools to sleuth for data.

      • quirzle
        11 year ago

        Frankly, if ChatGPT isn’t increasing your performance significantly, you’re already falling behind the curve unless you’re doing manual labor.

        • MentalEdge
          01 year ago

          Exactly. Used correctly, the amount of man-hours ChatGPT is able to save, is truly ludicrous.

    • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
      51 year ago

      Leaking industry secrets is a much bigger concern that boosting productivity a little bit.

      We’re talking about very specialized engineering work, it’s not something you can totally rely on a bot to do, though it might help sometimes, it’s fully understandable for specialized companies to want to ban GPT internally, until there’s a way for them to host a totally internal one.

      • MentalEdge
        01 year ago

        On this I agree entirely. The potential for corporate espionage because of unwitting employees using an LLM through unofficial means is huge.

        At the very least, the corporation itself would have to be the customer, so that watertight terms might be negotiated, not the employee.

        • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
          1 year ago

          I don’t think being a customer would work either, language models are still on the training, noone knows exactly how users queries are used, that’s a big no no for every company having to protect their secrets.

          A self-hosted instance is a much better solution, if not the only “safe” one from that point of view, we’ll get there.

    • RupeThereItIs
      41 year ago

      It’s a MASSIVE security risk. What you tell ChatGPT is not private, if you knowingly or unknowingly tell ChatGPT secret information you have no control over where that information may go. Especially for a company for Apple that lives & breaths on surprise product releases.

  • Margot Robbie
    11 year ago

    Well of course, ChatGPT has already leaked Samsung Semiconductor’s internal information earlier, and Apple is infamous for being secretive about their design.