My stepdad is a great and nice guy, and I’ve suspected for a while that he might be autistic. He’s very quiet and reserved, rarely shows strong emotion. Chuckles rather than laughter. He’s also fixated on certain things and hobbies, and can talk/ramble about them for quite a long time. He likes puzzles and, what have been given to him, legos. Putting together and taking apart things.

Like I said, no hard evidence, but I could see it.

    2 months ago

    My entire moms side of the family is some flavor of neurodivergent. We talked about it the other day and she let on to me that she was in the 1950s/60s version of special ed because she had what today would be considered a learning disability. That’s when I realized why my parents were so adamant about keeping me in “normal” education even though I was bored out of my mind because I was smarter than the rest of the kids. They refused to have me tested for anything…. As an adult I got diagnosed with ADHD and I’m almost positive I’m autistic as well. And out of boredom I took an IQ test while waiting for my moms apt to finish up and scored a point below genius….

    I pick up on patterns so much faster than most people to the point that it’s annoying. For example, I knew the company I worked for was for sale a whole year before it went public, not because I had any insider info but because I could see the moves being made were ones a company would make if it was trying to sell.