Why don’t you tell us again what geopolitical conclusions you’re trying to draw from a scientific study to understand the extended continental shelf (consistent with established international law) and the fact that using ammunition uses ammunition?Those simple facts don’t support anything you’re talking about with respect to the MIC and some grand plot to annex land and weaken allies. Since that’s plainly obvious you’re either a troll or just that dumb. I won’t be posting more to you on this and providing more feedstock.
And you apply that standard across the board, correct? You support China and Russia expanding their claims farther out to sea, and no western exceptionalism?
Trolls don’t provide sources.
Some trolls don’t. Other trolls provide links that don’t remotely support the conclusions they purport as facts. You’re the latter.
What have I said that’s untrue? What did I claim that’s not supported in my sources?
Why don’t you tell us again what geopolitical conclusions you’re trying to draw from a scientific study to understand the extended continental shelf (consistent with established international law) and the fact that using ammunition uses ammunition?Those simple facts don’t support anything you’re talking about with respect to the MIC and some grand plot to annex land and weaken allies. Since that’s plainly obvious you’re either a troll or just that dumb. I won’t be posting more to you on this and providing more feedstock.
And you apply that standard across the board, correct? You support China and Russia expanding their claims farther out to sea, and no western exceptionalism?
You’ve got the ‘outrgageous’ mastered, but can you say something amusing, interesting, or profound?
Yes they absolutely do. (Source)