The more I play Baldur’s Gate 3, the more fun I am having, but as time has gone on, the more I find that the game is somehow breaking both Steam and my entire household internet.

  • All that stuff is no more than a few bytes, even considering the state of every object, NPC and quest in the entire game. It’s more to do with how many saves it creates. 300kb is nothing. 300kb multiplied by 100,000 is significantly more tho.

      1 year ago

      My first autosave with a character that hasn’t done much, it’s 7.85MB + photo. So all the quick saves and auto saves (34 folders total) for a character who hasn’t talked to Kalga yet is 528MB

      A different character at the start of Act 2, 26.7 MB + photo. So this has auto saves, quick saves, and a few hard saves has 59 folders, for a total of 1.26 GB