What’s on your pull list this week?

I’m looking at…

Antarctica #2 - #1 was quite good.

Cull #1 - 5 issue mini by Kelly Thompson? I’m down.

Daredevil #14 - I think this is the end again?

Hawkgirl #2 - Also moving right along.

Knight Terrors Nightwing #2 - I usually disregard giant crossovers as sillyness and nonsense, but these haven’t been awful.

Sirens Of The City #2 - going FAST! #1 just came out.

Spider-Man #11 - Was thinking about dropping it, but now I have to know what this whole Spider-Boy thing is.

Tales Of The Titans #2 - Looking forward to how Gar got his eye back.

Vigil #4 - Nearing the end of this experiment, I still think City Boy and Spirit World are better.

X-Men Days Of Future Past Doomsday #2

More “Fall of X”… probably won’t buy them, but I’ll at least LOOK at them.

Alpha Flight #1
Dark X-Men #1
Uncanny Avengers #1