• j4k3@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    You do seem antagonistic in an unsolicited way dear. I understand the sentiment.

    Once upon a time I worked security for some horse jumping shows and a rodeo. I’m certainly no expert. The events happened on the property of some very rich people and I spent a lot of time around the groomers and horses. I was rather surprised by them overall. It didn’t seem like many wanted to get out or were mistreated by captivity. Many were mischievous and looking for any excuse to be obnoxious. I had my two way radio pilfered on multiple occasions. There was an occasional escapee, but they never seemed to be actually trying to escape. There were times that it was obvious they knew where to go if they wanted to escape and they would threaten it like a cat that is not getting enough attention and decides to become a gravity fizicist, but it was always like someone looking for drama and proud to show off how they figured out the latch of their stall. They weren’t stressed but were very playful in all the circumstances I saw.

    Perhaps it is my own imprisonment from physical disability here, but I never got the impression that the horses really didn’t like their lives. Perhaps it is due to so many generations of domestication, but they all seemed alright for the most part. The jumpers were fed lean before events and so they were about as moody as I was before I did a bicycle crit race back in the day. It is just something to think about that perhaps things are more complicated and your ideal picture of a horse in the wild is not as related to the reality of a domesticated horse. Many likely wouldn’t survive in the wild. This is a subject I very much struggle with on the human side. I struggle to be content within my limitations and dependence on others now. Without my familial support I cannot survive, and that support has a very real and upcoming limit that is likely to cause my very real premature demise.

    It is not about right or wrong or sides for me here. I’m just sharing my one perspective that things can be more complicated dear.

    Also, the women that come to jumpy events were beyond hot. Many showed up in the middle of the night, by themselves, and worked far harder than most men after driving hundreds to thousands of miles. Their relationships with the horses were remarkable too. From what I saw, it was very much a collaborative type of relationship. I’m not saying all are like that, but all that I was around were like that. One of those horse ladies can adopt me any time, and I pretty much live in a stall already. I would greatly appreciate someone feeding me and keeping me on my physical therapy routine. We all adapt to our own levels of normal, but so far I would still rather live than die even in my circumstances.