I’m using a moto g34 phone with android 14. You guys know any open source program that can do basic photo editing? I tried Simple Gallery, but it shows a lot of ads :/
ImageToolbox, Burhanrashid’s PhotoEditing. I use these. ImageToolbox can be a bit slow, and PhotoEditing confusing and unstable, but it ia possible to adjust to it. If you want anything more advanced, use GIMP on a pc.
ImageToolbox! It has a lot of features, no ads and is open source.
It depends on what you want to edit :P if you just need the basics (sketching, filetrs, resizing, cropping, converting, combining, etc), try ImageToolbox
I know it’s bringing an excavator to a litter box, but Krita is open source and can do all the basics as well
on android?
Yup! It’s only a tiny bit janky but works surprisingly well
Yeah, but not really on a phone.
You mentioned Simple Gallery. The Simple line of open source apps was sold off to a company who put ads in them, the community forked them under the Fossify name. So for example, Simple Gallery is now called Fossify Gallery.
Wow, I could have saved a couple bucks! Ah well, too late now
Yeah, direct link: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.fossify.gallery/
I looked through F-Droid a while back and liked this one the best.
Considering OP has ads, I don’t think the F-Droid version was updated, so they are probably installing from Google Play.
So just in case, I’ll point out that the apps are also on Google Play if that’s the preference. Here’s Fossify Gallery: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.fossify.gallery
I would recommend ImagePipe. It’s been around a good while and is feature rich.
Fossify Gallery? I’ve been using it, and enjoy it. FOSS, no ads, Android 14 (Lineage 21). Granted, most of what I need to do is just basic cropping and the occasional useless red circle, but it does all that.
You can update if you have an opportunity, Android 15 is not bad
Yeah, OPNord has 15 support now, but just haven’t gotten around to it.
heey, thank you very much for the tip, I’ll try it :)
Just FYI: The Fossify suite of applications are open source / maintained forks of the Simple Mobile Tools suite before they got bought and started putting ads in the non-paid verions.
thanks, didn’t know that
I would just type “photo editor” into F-Droid and browse, nothing on F-Droid will have ads. If you don’t have F-Droid installed follow this.
I decided to ask the community to see if there’s a favorite one, hoping that this would give me one with better quality.