Still not focaccia 😭

    1 month ago

    If nobody has mentioned this to you yet, use a high gluten flour (pizza flour) which hovers at around 11-14% gluten I think. This allows to make dough with really high hydration. Experiment with seeing whats the minimum amount of flour you can add to the water before it stops being liquid. (Make sure sure you are kneading a lot, dough can appear liquid but it could be the gluten wasn’t worked enough yet) Once you find that limit work closely to that range. As others have said here, activate the yeast with warm water and sugar, you can probably get away with adding more yeast than you think. Make sure that bitch is foaming. Let it sit in a warm environment for it to grow. And when you stretch it out, us minimal flour, again let it sit in a warm environment to let it grow. You can spray water on top of it while it sits to keep it from crusting