At what point does nintendo make the process of buying their games so complicated that it actually becomes easier to learn how to install a modchip?? This is just ridiculous.
Already did, $150 bucks got me modchip, all games, SD card support, emulators, backups. Fuck the convoluted mess of Nintendo.
Care to share more info? This sounds right up my alley. And maybe a bit of perma-attaching joycons. Maybe I just want an OLED lite haha
Sure, I used, I have the second gen switch. I shipped him a 512GB samsung micro sd card and the switch, no accessories. then i paid him and he shipped it back. his username is on reddit, can message him for more details. very happy with the work and turnaround time.
essentially mine works like this now -
i used this gamepad also, the stock ones are too small for my hands, but they work great for multiplayer stuff and for the kiddo -
there are much nicer ones, but i’m happy with the size and “bulk” of this one, feels good and makes it more durable feeling to me. and the price was where i wanted it.
just FYI the first gen switch doesnt need a modchip and you got ripped off. I modded my first gen switch without having to open any of the hardware and I only spent roughly $10 USD is a good resource.
Some 1st gen switches do not need a modchip. The tegra exploit was patched long befofe the release of mariko units, and those patched models still require a modchip to run CFW.
I wouldnt consider a patched chip (a literal change of hardware) to be first gen, but ok.
Neat, you’re at odds with the definitions used by the entire switch CFW community, but I’m glad you get to feel like you know what you’re talking about.
Erista is v1, Mariko is v2. ‘First gen’ means Erista. This is how I’ve seen it for the entire six years I’ve been developing homebrew for the switch. It’s how my documentation lists it, it’s how everyone else’s documentation lists it. Otherwise you’re trying to delineate between multiple asynchronous hardware revisions, which with nintendo’s arbitrarily applied board codes boy does that get convoluted…
Good for you, but I got what I wanted, I don’t feel I got ripped off.
Also, mine is second gen, already checked that jigger thing. I misspoke in other comment.
sorry, didn’t mean to piss you off. you said first gen in the original post and in this economy most people would see $140 as something not to be wasted, but go off IG.
in this economy most people would see $140 as something not to be wasted
your opinion, you know nothing about me, my equipment, my finances.
but go off IG
if IG is instagram, you’re dead wrong again and assuming things about me. i don’t have an instagram account, nor did i see it on there.
Hot diggity daffodil what a reply, thanks so much.
SD card support
What do you mean?
all your games/operating system files are on the micro sd, you can easily back it up, copy it, replace it, etc, nothing is on the internal memory as far as i know. you’re in total control of the system, nothing locked out.
Genuine question: why is this a problem for you?
There are lots of region-locked digital games. Having a Japanese account is easy. Having a Japanese payment method is hard.
I think that is rather the point, yes.
I understand the outrage. I think that may be a bit of a stretch though.