Abolish fares, what the fuck are fares for anyways? This should all be sorted out by taxes if we’re going to live under a system where we all make money and pay taxes.
Fares are nonsense, just an extra tax on the poor for doing the right thing and riding public transit.
I make more than average, fucking tax me already to pay for people to get to work who have to make decisions about feeding their family, Jesus fucking christ. Tax me extra and build more train lines motherfuckers and maybe I can get rid of my car.
Abolish fares, what the fuck are fares for anyways? This should all be sorted out by taxes if we’re going to live under a system where we all make money and pay taxes.
Fares are nonsense, just an extra tax on the poor for doing the right thing and riding public transit.
I make more than average, fucking tax me already to pay for people to get to work who have to make decisions about feeding their family, Jesus fucking christ. Tax me extra and build more train lines motherfuckers and maybe I can get rid of my car.
Liberals love regressive taxes because they also hate poor people.