How’s parenthood treating you? What’s frustrating you at the moment? What little wins and successes have you had recently?
My little man is three weeks old and I just want to enjoy hanging out with him but my mother in law is staying with us and will not shut the fuck up about trump/musk. I have to remind her every three days that I do not want to remember her complaining when I think about my child’s birth.
In other news I have trained myself to wake up every 3 hours to feed him overnight without an alarm.
Congratulations dude! They’re so tiny at that age, but they grow and change fast!
I can imagine that must be exhausting. I think it would be hard work having even the most laid back person around all the time! Does she help you guys out? Having a helping hand with chores around the house would be a god send.
Thanks! Yeah he was born 8lbs 7oz and is already up to 10lbs.
I’ve been keeping up with feeds to make sure my wife rests and recovers from the c-section. Thankfully MIL has been taking care of most of the house work.
Wait your MIL is staying with you, and you’re still waking up every 3 hours? Shouldn’t she be there to take some of the work?
I wish lol. She refused to take any of the overnight feeds.
Damn dude, hope you can escape a bit during those feedings and sleep in. Some of my best memories around that age were watching all of Clone Wars, and inadvertently creating a pavlov dog situation with the star wars theme song and the feeding.
about to turn 3 and on 1 year of speech therapy, hoping eventually he will catch up
Fingers crossed! Is he making progress? I used to work with a girl who said she couldn’t say a word until she was 3.
My daughter’s 2 and a half and I’m convinced her speech isn’t as good as her brother’s was at the same age, but the health visitor seemed to think she’s fine.
He has progressed a little, but still behind what is expected for his age, currently he was two session per week, bumping to three soon
My 9 year old won’t stop playing Fortnite, despite me trying to get him to play Stalker, CSGO, Unreal Tournament, Half Life, Portal, and a host of other games that are objectively better… My 2 year old likes hitting things - dogs, cats, humans, inanimate objects.
I feel you. My 7 year old is obsessed with Minecraft. Doesn’t stop talking about it. Constantly interrupts conversations between my wife and I and talks about something as I I’m supposed to know what he’s talking about! I play the game myself but he’ll go on a out a mod I’ve never heard of. Luckily he does enjoy both Portal games though.
My 2 year old seems to have completed the smacky phase and has moved onto biting. Nothing is safe. I could hear my son begging her to stop biting the floor the other day!
That’s not a list of games for a 9 year old…
My little girl is turning five and life has been really wholesome. I don’t mean to bring politics into this, but I just found out from our Prime Minister that the United States (my former country) is intent on absorbing/potentially invading my new country (Canada), and that scares the absolute shit out of me. I can’t protect my daughter from that, so my anxiety is currently through the roof.
Next to that, though, my kid turned out really great. She is miles above her peers in school and is a sweet, caring, funny kid. Sometimes I feel like she rocks my sense of humor better than I do.
That time flies doesn’t it. My son is 7 now but since he turned 4 then it’s just flown by. Maybe because things start to get a little easier, I dunno.
I’m not in your position but honestly I’d think that’s extremely unlikely to happen. Trump seems to be playing a game of saying as much stupid shit on purpose to distract everyone from things he’s actually doing.
I hope you’re right, brother. ♥️
Keep going, younglings.
A Rabbi once asked when does life start. People suggested “at birth” or “when you marry” or “when your first child is born”.
All wrong, he said. Life starts when the children leave home.
Wiser words may not have been spoken.
Introducing my 3.5 year old to the Pokemon TV show, starting from season 1 episode 1. Hoping to get out of the Paw Patrol phase and onto a better franchise I can relate to.
God I can’t stand Paw Patrol! My daughter likes it though. She likes Unicorn Academy on a Netflix too that she always asks to watch.
Unfortunately neither child has shown any enthusiasm for the original Thunderbirds!
Mines 10.5 months old and off to a first birthday party today. She’s teething with about 3 coming through at the same time so that’s fun. But she’s so cool, starting to see some personality too which is very fun.