Totally agree. The intial tax liability declared in a currency has the purpose of creating demand for the currency so that people, either directly or indirectly, want to work for the government to get the money they are issuing.
This effect is probably most import when the currency is first created, but at the same time also the most important function of tax: It is what goves the money its value.
I agree that governments spend money into existence, but I disagree that taxes are merely to curb inflation.
Residents need to contribute some of their productivity to support the services they receive. That’s tax.
Totally agree. The intial tax liability declared in a currency has the purpose of creating demand for the currency so that people, either directly or indirectly, want to work for the government to get the money they are issuing. This effect is probably most import when the currency is first created, but at the same time also the most important function of tax: It is what goves the money its value.