Are they gonna deport usan based on genetics tests? Like if someone is 2% Irish, they will be reported to Ireland? Kinda Dictature like and anti free speech
My great, great Grandma was an illegal immigrant from a country that no longer exists and a city that is now in Poland, though she spoke and considered herself German. So where would I go, modern Germany? Poland? Neither would take me. So probably just sent to die at a work camp.
Are they gonna deport usan based on genetics tests? Like if someone is 2% Irish, they will be reported to Ireland? Kinda Dictature like and anti free speech
My great, great Grandma was an illegal immigrant from a country that no longer exists and a city that is now in Poland, though she spoke and considered herself German. So where would I go, modern Germany? Poland? Neither would take me. So probably just sent to die at a work camp.
I mean, don’t American Irish already self-report at every opportunity?
As an American Irish person I can confirm. Also, please deport me to Ireland, it’d be so much cheaper to escape this clown show hellhole.