I avoid the grocery stores that have ‘loyalty programs’, but when I’m there I always eagerly tell the cashier I’d like to sign up. They give me the blank paperwork and the discount, and I toss the paperwork in the trash on the way out.
Does it mess with the database. Well, I hope so, but for me the point is only to get my grocs at a slightly less rip-off price. Mostly I go to old-fashioned businesses that make money selling whatever they sell, not selling my data.
I avoid the grocery stores that have ‘loyalty programs’
I have that option but it leads to other problems. The grocers who are so small that they have no loyalty program have a different problem: they have limited choice of brands for their small spaces and they tend to choose poorly. E.g. a small store close to me only has Kellogg’s-branded cereal, which I boycott. Their soaps are all Unilever or Proctor & Gamble. They choose the most popular brands for a lot of stuff. So to practice my boycotts against (probably hundreds of) brands requires a store big enough to carry generic nonames.
I avoid the grocery stores that have ‘loyalty programs’, but when I’m there I always eagerly tell the cashier I’d like to sign up. They give me the blank paperwork and the discount, and I toss the paperwork in the trash on the way out.
Does it mess with the database. Well, I hope so, but for me the point is only to get my grocs at a slightly less rip-off price. Mostly I go to old-fashioned businesses that make money selling whatever they sell, not selling my data.
I have that option but it leads to other problems. The grocers who are so small that they have no loyalty program have a different problem: they have limited choice of brands for their small spaces and they tend to choose poorly. E.g. a small store close to me only has Kellogg’s-branded cereal, which I boycott. Their soaps are all Unilever or Proctor & Gamble. They choose the most popular brands for a lot of stuff. So to practice my boycotts against (probably hundreds of) brands requires a store big enough to carry generic nonames.
You want to mess up their database? Just share the account with your entire family and friends. All their data collection would just be noise then.