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Originally commented by u/OkRoll8065 on 2025-02-24 06:24:25 PM
(melweeg)I hate to say it but, there’s just as many ultra wealthy elites on the Dems side of things and many of them much too old to be of any real fight out there (unlike our sweet sweet badass Bernie and a handful of others of course).
I believe or, maybe venture to guess, the ones doing nothing are simply in CYOA mode and trying to not rock the boat since their money hoarding takes precident over us little workers.
I hope with all hope after we, the people, stand up and knock this entire thing down to dust that we rise back up with younger truly invested people and leaders like AOC and Jasmine Crocket. They are insanely inspiring!
Originally commented by u/darkaptdweller on 2025-02-24 10:18:54 PM
(men2vyv)bernie’s in league with the main DNC. Drives me up a wall people buy his populism.
Originally commented by u/DefTheOcelot on 2025-02-24 10:08:18 PM
(men126u)We should do this not for one day but until they listen to our demands.
Originally commented by u/No-Professional-1092 on 2025-02-24 09:21:25 PM
(memstnn)Bernie needs to start a new party and run with AOC in 2028.
Originally commented by u/jander05 on 2025-02-24 09:05:01 PM
(mempy4y)Imagine a Bernie Sanders presidency. Man oh man.
Originally commented by u/momibrokebothmyarms on 2025-02-24 09:02:13 PM
(mempgdp)“Complicit” is the word you’re looking for. Not paralyzed.
Originally commented by u/TheAnswerUsedToBe42 on 2025-02-24 09:14:48 PM
(memro8m)Let’s start crowdfunding for Bernie’s Security! Considering current political climate and the billionaires on the other side his life might be in danger. They did it before when Kennedy wanted to make real change. They might do it again
Originally commented by u/No-Professional-1092 on 2025-02-24 09:23:39 PM
(memt7oy)Omg I was going to post this!!
Originally commented by u/Phaustiantheodicy on 2025-02-24 07:52:06 PM
(memcqzd)Who’s meeting the moment? Who’s profiting? We’ll all remember.
Originally commented by u/chopsdontstops on 2025-02-24 07:26:19 PM
(mem7z54)She just signed with a Hollywood talent agency, as did Biden.
Originally commented by u/Shermans_ghost1864 on 2025-02-24 10:34:14 PM
(men5gm9)Bernie and Warren are the only ones speaking up and mobilizing people. I’m so mad at Harris. She got millions and millions of dollars in support and almost half of the votes and she’s nowhere to be seen.
Originally commented by u/tarantularockera on 2025-02-24 09:22:57 PM
(memt3ef)the democratic establishment is not our friend. they will not fight back effectively against the greedy corporate bastards who think the whole fucking world belongs to them. bernie has been fighting this whole time, and not only do we owe him one hell of an apology for not listening to him, we owe him one hell of a thank you for continuing to fight for us.
Originally commented by u/Twist_the_casual on 2025-02-24 09:12:09 PM
(memr799)They only know how to resist Bernie Sanders
Originally commented by u/kreiggers on 2025-02-24 07:31:06 PM
(mem8v9e)Stop voting in politicians that accept billionaire money.
Originally commented by u/SoonToBeExpatt on 2025-02-24 10:14:59 PM