The House’s proposed budget includes $880B in cuts to Medicaid. This will impact tens of millions of Americans, leaving many without any healthcare at all. This is being used to allow for more tax cuts for the wealthy.
Almost every one of us have someone we love who depends on this social safety net.
This won’t only affect those on Medicaid, but will also have a significant impact to people’s livelihoods whose organizations (hospitals, nursing homes, mental health facilities, etc.).
I know it’s easy to feel powerless and pessimistic, but we still have power. They need to feel the pressure.
Please take 2-3 mins to call, or 1 min to email, your representatives. Calling is better. Do both if you can.
Call: find your representatives number at this website:
You can use this script:
Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY]. I’m calling to demand you oppose H.R. 740, the Veterans Access Act, which would contribute to dismantling the Veterans Health Administration. The legislation will be detrimental to the health care of over 9 million U.S. military veterans, and ultimately divert public funds to the private sector. Thank you for your time and consideration.
This will send a blast email to all your elected officials at once. You can use the script below:
As your constituent, I am urging you to say no to the massive cuts to Medicaid currently proposed in the Budget Resolution in the House of Representatives right now. Medicaid is the primary source of health care for millions of people in this country, and also serves as a critical safety net to keep people with disabilities in their homes and communities and out of abusive institutions. These cuts would harm every single one of these lives – especially women, families, disabled adults, seniors, and children with disabilities in schools.
Medicaid enables individuals to participate in the economic, social, and civic life of the nation. These cuts would not only maliciously harm the lives and liberty of millions of people enrolled in the program, but it would have national consequences for all of us. Please, say no to any cuts and save Medicaid now.
I’ll take that bet
Originally commented by u/waitweightwhaite on 2025-02-25 08:13:59 AM
(mep27vh)Not when you’ve sold your soul to the devil.
Originally commented by u/Motor-Juice-6648 on 2025-02-25 07:44:46 AM
(meoxrh6)Medicaid expansion is gone imo.
Originally commented by u/crlynstll on 2025-02-25 07:20:52 AM
(meouej9)My senators and congressman would gleefully vote for the death of their constituents
Originally commented by u/Dull_Yellow_2641 on 2025-02-25 07:19:59 AM
(meouae5)If he says do it, they will
Originally commented by u/xyloplax on 2025-02-25 06:53:58 AM
(meoqxtj)Republican senators will never touch that third rail. Too many people in red states on Medicaid
Originally commented by u/Disenchanted1970 on 2025-02-25 03:34:47 AM
(meo6gjg)Rural hospitals will struggle without Medicaid.
Originally commented by u/Aromatic_Ad_7953 on 2025-02-25 09:21:07 AM
(mepdr9q)Almost every single person I know is on one of these services. I’m on Medi-Cal.
Originally commented by u/QuirkyForever on 2025-02-25 08:39:04 AM
(mep6j1l)Done! Thank you for this, the link you provided made it way easier for me to do this than I have been doing. We are in this together 💪🏼
Originally commented by u/LucashMeOutside on 2025-02-25 08:13:33 AM
(mep25bx)Thank you!
You’re welcome!
Originally commented by u/exclaim_bot on 2025-02-25 07:09:56 AM
(meosyfo)Thank you!
Originally commented by u/Anxious_Order_3570 on 2025-02-25 07:09:43 AM
(meosxfl)I can see some of them literally dying because of it but saying Trump’s still their guy!
Originally commented by u/Rupertfunpupkin on 2025-02-25 02:46:24 AM
(meo1mxd)Most of the people that voted for him will have the rug pulled right out from under them I CANT WAIT
Originally commented by u/Affectionate_Care907 on 2025-02-25 02:06:35 AM
(menxhwr)I have read this and don’t understand where medicaid is involved. Please help me understand, I want to send this to family but need to show them where it is and explain it to them.
Originally commented by u/ilik3pie on 2025-02-25 08:06:49 AM
(mep13r3)Done. This is one that united my entire family to call. I’m going to call every rep in my state this morning.
Originally commented by u/Old-Extreme-4061 on 2025-02-25 08:06:02 AM