I had to read the word Republican like 20 times before I could believe it.
Originally commented by u/curiousitrocity on 2025-02-25 08:04:20 PM
(met0qqs)The dude is going to fold like the chairs at a traveling circus
Originally commented by u/graphiterosco on 2025-02-25 08:00:18 PM
(met0024)It’s like raising your rent by $320 per month just to run the government this year.
They want to increase the deficit spending by $328 billion this year, up from $1,800 billion the year before. This adds to the total debt of $35,000 billion. The increase, divided by the 340 million adults and children in America comes out to $320 per month for a family of four.
The deficit, or how much we are spending above our income, is about $2,100 per month per family of four. The total national debt is about $100,000 per citizen.
The new deficit is primarily paying to allow those with multiple billions in assets to pass the wealth to future generations while still avoiding taxes.
Originally commented by u/AdvanceAdvance on 2025-02-25 07:56:46 PM
(meszcdq)Give em hell!
Originally commented by u/willismthomp on 2025-02-25 07:47:40 PM
(mesxnwq)What’s that think on his jacket? Edit: thing*
Originally commented by u/lol_never_ on 2025-02-25 06:51:38 PM
(mesnbp2)$20 says this clip doesn’t make it to right wing media outlets snd he votes for the budget anyway.
Originally commented by u/bard329 on 2025-02-25 07:45:11 PM
(mesx7b4)Gotta love libertarians. They at least know how to do math.
Originally commented by u/ImpinAintEZ_ on 2025-02-25 07:35:00 PM
(mesvbax)This guy is a nut job. A broken clock is right twice a day.
Originally commented by u/iamlumbergh on 2025-02-25 06:12:33 PM
(mesg30o)Weird times when I’m nodding along with this guy
Originally commented by u/Far_Interaction_78 on 2025-02-25 06:16:17 PM
(mesgscy)hopefully more republicans develop a backbone like this guy. i don’t love this guy, but at least there is some independent thinking. Cannot handle the republican herd mentality of following trump.
Originally commented by u/DensityEnthusiast on 2025-02-25 07:30:58 PM
(mesukmr)Then they shouldn’t pass it. Kick up a fight, then they’ll do a shutdown and those mfers will be fair game - obviously I mean politically.
Originally commented by u/RL_Fl0p on 2025-02-25 07:16:33 PM
(mesrwk1)Talk to your Republican colleagues!!! They need to vote against this BS too.
Originally commented by u/Socialexpat132 on 2025-02-25 07:25:34 PM
(mestknz)Imagine that. A Republican who is actually fiscally conservative in this day and age.
Though I’m sure he’s playing both sides so that he can continue to keep his job or move up in the power world.
Originally commented by u/StayProsty on 2025-02-25 07:20:03 PM
(messjui)I guess it’s time for DT to pull him into a closet and give him a big dose of Kool-Aid
Originally commented by u/Chipfullyinserted on 2025-02-25 07:12:34 PM
(mesr6ag)Someone has a backbone!
Originally commented by u/BusyDragonfruit8665 on 2025-02-25 07:04:53 PM