Google didn't tell Android users much about Android System SafetyCore before it hit their phones, and people are unhappy. Fortunately, you're not stuck with it.
I didn’t use a validator, formatter or prettifyer since I just copied and pasted the json that obtainium exported. I was able to import it onto my work profiles obtainium using the exact data posted in the code snippet however. I wouldn’t mind seeing a diff to know what the difference is since it looks the same to me too. I’m not sure why your getting the error, I’ll just screen shot the settings.
Yeah, I only used the validator to find the error after Obtanium said “Invalid input”. I don’t know what the deal is. Thanks for the screenshots! I’ll try it tomorrow.
I didn’t use a validator, formatter or prettifyer since I just copied and pasted the json that obtainium exported. I was able to import it onto my work profiles obtainium using the exact data posted in the code snippet however. I wouldn’t mind seeing a diff to know what the difference is since it looks the same to me too. I’m not sure why your getting the error, I’ll just screen shot the settings.
Yeah, I only used the validator to find the error after Obtanium said “Invalid input”. I don’t know what the deal is. Thanks for the screenshots! I’ll try it tomorrow.