there’s not even a grain of truth here; they thought he word ‘transgenic’ meant remotely the same thing as ‘transgender’. or thought nobody would check.
not that they aren’t, but the function here isn’t stupidity, it’s solipsism, entered into by an inability to cope with the complex horrors of the world and ravenous hunger for easy answers that could be called stupidity. these ex-people do not give a shit about material reality. if something material harms them, they will think up excuses in their fantasy world for that harm to have occurred, that do not run counter to, or at least do not disrupt, it’s internal logics. they are effectively dead, living in their afterlife, we’re just stuck here with their meat, and them infringing on our reality. they are in a very real sense invaders from another world. not one that truly exists, but invaders from there all the same.
there’s not even a grain of truth here; they thought he word ‘transgenic’ meant remotely the same thing as ‘transgender’. or thought nobody would check.
hes hoping his dimwitted supporters takes the bait
it’s not even dim witted anymore.
not that they aren’t, but the function here isn’t stupidity, it’s solipsism, entered into by an inability to cope with the complex horrors of the world and ravenous hunger for easy answers that could be called stupidity. these ex-people do not give a shit about material reality. if something material harms them, they will think up excuses in their fantasy world for that harm to have occurred, that do not run counter to, or at least do not disrupt, it’s internal logics. they are effectively dead, living in their afterlife, we’re just stuck here with their meat, and them infringing on our reality. they are in a very real sense invaders from another world. not one that truly exists, but invaders from there all the same.