• CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
    4 days ago

    “It wasn’t a personal attack, it was condescending jabs!”

    Okay? I never claimed you were attacking anything but the genre, and my point was no one cares and this isn’t the place for it.

    I’m even having a pleasant conversation about that right next to yours

    Yup, do you notice how the conversation goes better (and you stop receiving downvotes) when you stop with the condescending jabs? Maybe start there next time.

    • Krauerking@lemy.lol
      3 days ago

      So you came into a thread talking about the classification of a genre with admittedly the sole purpose of making condescending jabs at people who enjoy said genre,

      I never claimed you were attacking anything but the genre

      Seriously dude?

      Also who cares about Lemmy downvotes. I saw someone downvote a question and upvote an absolutely false answer. People are called lemmings here. And you are most of the downvotes between you and me as I am yours for not adding to a conversation in good faith.

      • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
        3 days ago

        Okay, I guess I did claim you were taking jabs at people. That totally justifies your unprompted condescending jabs at the genre somehow, and retroactively doesn’t make your initial post sound judgmental at all.

        Or we can just say you swayed me in your argument that you weren’t criticising people, just the genre, and the rest of my criticism to your post still stands.

        • Krauerking@lemy.lol
          3 days ago

          You have the worst apologies for being a jerk. In fact you still haven’t.

          This is a conversation about the genre. Where else to talk about the genre. It may not have been the conversation you wanted on it and didn’t like that I didn’t enjoy it your way and then made a bunch of incorrect statements on my point and then on putting words in my mouth.

          Oh good though I swayed you into barely conceding and that you still think you can control other people into not having conversations you don’t like about a topic you like by being rude about them not enjoying it your way.

          Sorry I’m not you.

          • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
            3 days ago

            You have the worst apologies for being a jerk. In fact you still haven’t.

            Correct, I wasn’t apologizing at all. There is so much projection here:

            being a jerk

            If you don’t like people reflecting your energy don’t give out that energy in the first place.

            Sorry I’m not you.

            That’s rich from the person who unprompted came in with condescending jabs because a genre they don’t like exists and has some popularity.

            This is a conversation about the genre. Where else to talk about the genre.

            This is a conversation about classification. Imagine if someone had an AskLemmy post asking “Are tomatoes fruits or vegetables?” and someone replied with “How about we call them bland nutrition? Tomatoes have seeds and are slightly savory. Have you ever tried a strawberry? You can have seeds and have flavour. This feels like the ancient version of empty calories. It will fill your stomach until you find food more worth your time.”
            What does that have to do with the question being asked and who cares that this rando doesn’t like tomatoes?

            If you wanted to have a side conversation about opinions of the genre and game suggestions you could have had better success if you didn’t come in swinging for no apparent reason.