Does the world know that Matt Murdock is Daredevil?
In the first episode when Cherry sees him without a mask and he drops it off the rooftop, did everyone find out his identity - if not I’m not sure how he got out of that situation without being recognised by others.
In episode 3, a reporter says “Mr. Murdock, how do you respond to Mayor Fisk calling YOU and all vigilantes cop killers?” - Is he implying here that Mr. Murdock is a vigilante? Otherwise why would he lump him in with all vigilantes and suggest that he would be considered a cop killer like them?
Probably just jumped onto another roof (can’t recall if there were other similar sized buildings or not), or cherry brought him some clothes.
Fisk knows, but he was probably just implying that protecting a cop killer is as bad as being a cop killer for the media.
The prolonged delay on saying guilty/not guilty was probably to mislead comic fans. In the source material, Hector is pronounced guilty, tries running away, then gets gunned down on the court stairs. the comics made it a story about a system that doesn’t work. It’s really interesting they did the opposite here.
I wonder if Matt is going to feel guilty for outing him next episode because he did technically get him killed.
Also, RIP Kamar de los Reyes (the actor for white tiger). He did such a good job with this role.
Does the world know that Matt Murdock is Daredevil?
In the first episode when Cherry sees him without a mask and he drops it off the rooftop, did everyone find out his identity - if not I’m not sure how he got out of that situation without being recognised by others.
In episode 3, a reporter says “Mr. Murdock, how do you respond to Mayor Fisk calling YOU and all vigilantes cop killers?” - Is he implying here that Mr. Murdock is a vigilante? Otherwise why would he lump him in with all vigilantes and suggest that he would be considered a cop killer like them?
You’re reading way too much into it, only cherry and fisk know. He called matt a cop killer for defending someone who allegedly killed a cop.
Apparently quite a few people know but I felt like everyone was missing something based on these dialogues/scenes. But what you said made more sense.
Beautiful and terrifying ending of the episode.
Future spoilers based on existing articles
My heart sank seeing the Punisher logo on that man’s jacket. How did they fool Frank? Why would Frank do this?
Then I recall reading that the Frank Castle storyline is roughly him coming back to investigate people doing things on behalf of “The Punisher” aka false Punishers.
I don’t think that was Frank. The shooter didn’t walk like Frank. Also, the logo felt off, like it was too “clean.” Frank’s logo is always scuffed up or looks like it was just painted. The one in the episode looked like a vinyl sticker to me.
Does the world know that Matt Murdock is Daredevil?
In the first episode when Cherry sees him without a mask and he drops it off the rooftop, did everyone find out his identity - if not I’m not sure how he got out of that situation without being recognised by others.
In episode 3, a reporter says “Mr. Murdock, how do you respond to Mayor Fisk calling YOU and all vigilantes cop killers?” - Is he implying here that Mr. Murdock is a vigilante? Otherwise why would he lump him in with all vigilantes and suggest that he would be considered a cop killer like them?
I don’t think many people know he is Daredevil. If it was well known, Hector might have said something, or Matt would have been removed from the case.
Does the world know that Matt Murdock is Daredevil?
In the first episode when Cherry sees him without a mask and he drops it off the rooftop, did everyone find out his identity - if not I’m not sure how he got out of that situation without being recognised by others.
In episode 3, a reporter says “Mr. Murdock, how do you respond to Mayor Fisk calling YOU and all vigilantes cop killers?” - Is he implying here that Mr. Murdock is a vigilante? Otherwise why would he lump him in with all vigilantes and suggest that he would be considered a cop killer like them?
Good question, I don’t think anyone knows Matt is Daredevil. Maybe calling Matt a cop killer refers to his defence of vigilantes?
Fun fact, during the episode there’s a short section where they show a bus stop with an ad for a Guarana drink: That seems to be the drink they make at the plant Bruce Banner worked in Brazil in the Incredible Hulk
Does the world know that Matt Murdock is Daredevil?
In the first episode when Cherry sees him without a mask and he drops it off the rooftop, did everyone find out his identity - if not I’m not sure how he got out of that situation without being recognised by others.
In episode 3, a reporter says “Mr. Murdock, how do you respond to Mayor Fisk calling YOU and all vigilantes cop killers?” - Is he implying here that Mr. Murdock is a vigilante? Otherwise why would he lump him in with all vigilantes and suggest that he would be considered a cop killer like them?