Basic idea is to have the community all play the same game and then talk about it and our experiences.

I feel the games should be either very inexpensive or free. Even a demo or “Prologue” would be an easy way to make it free. In regards to selecting games we could use community engagement and vote in some fashion, or have a pool of games which everybody contributes to and one is selected at random.

This is just a random idea I had but wanted to throw it out there.

Thanks for listening!

    61 year ago

    Honestly I disagree with some comments here. I wouldn’t make a separate community. Just do it here. The community is small as-is, no need to splinter it down any further.

    Also, I don’t think games would just have to be cheap, they’d also have to be short. That makes the barrier of entry a bit lower.

  • lpslucasps
    41 year ago

    There’s already a Gameclub on the official Patient Gamers Discord ( Every month they choose a Long Game and a Short Game to discuss and play together. This month’s games are Hotel Dusk and Hitman: Blood Money.

    If you’re on Backloggd, there’s also the unofficial Backloggd Discord Game of the Week, with a greater focus on weird/obscure short games.

    31 year ago

    Fan of the idea, thought of something like this for a couple of friends I have on Discord, and it is both fun and valuable, since the suggestions come in a more natural, discussion-like manner between a circle of passionate people, instead of the algorithmic approach of Steam and critic aggregates. Please do such a community and let’s get this started!

  • elroon
    1 year ago

    If you’re interested, Patient Gamers discord has been running Game of the Month for a while now. Each month, two titles are picked via nominations & voting (people running it first choose a theme, be it genre, feel or whatever, then games are chosen), one long game, one short, then people can discuss.

    • @SeeJayEmm
      31 year ago

      Maybe then we just need to mirror that activity here.

    21 year ago

    I would love for that to be a thing!

    I agree that it should be done in this community instead of creating a new one. If you need any help with anything, please let me know as I would be glad to help

    11 year ago

    It’s a great idea - I don’t have much time for gaming anymore, but I’m sure others would be keen to participate!

  • @bug
    11 year ago

    I’m in! If you want to make it as open as possible then you could try games that are often given away for free (e.g. from the epic store), things that have been in a few humble bundles, or things that everyone could emulate (from their personally backed-up copies, of course).