I can’t seem to find an answer via google. In order to play Guild Wars 2 (this is a windows game so i had to use steam to get it to run in linux mint 22.1)
the game runs pretty good. the problem I can’t use the ALT key … and I need that key for certain things.
but the games acts as if I’m not pressing ALT.
I’m thinking the ALT key bound to something via steam or even to linux mint itself but I’m not sure where to even look at. sadly google wasn’t helpful. Any tips on where to begin looking at? (warning : I’m new to linux so might need a few pointers).
Go to Menu.
Select Preferences.
Navigate to the Windows section.
Click on the Behavior tab.
Locate the option for ‘Special Key to move and resize windows.’
Set it to ‘Disabled’ (or any other preference you’d like).
Don’t know how to solve this problem, but I’m glad to see another GW2 player on Linux Mint! For me on 22.1 Mint version, there no issue like on Guild Wars. I hope you will find the solution!
another commentor said
This is a Linux Mint issue. The Alt+click combination is bound to “move window”.
The solution listed at the end:
Go to Menu.
Select Preferences.
Navigate to the Windows section.
Click on the Behavior tab.
Locate the option for ‘Special Key to move and resize windows.’
Set it to ‘Disabled’ (or any other preference you’d like).
that solved the problem. I am able to put personal way points onto the map. I hope this fixes the problem for you. If it doesn’t or if you have a problem please ask. or even if it works for you let me know. always curious if these things work for me or if it works for others.
Will update if I find anything.