Got the week off just want to download eat popcorn and binge.
Inside Man (2006)
Le Cercle Rouge (1970)
Borsalino (1970)
Un Flic (1972)
Bob le Flambeur (1958)
Before the Devil Knows you’re Dead (2007)
Ronin (1998)
Sexy Beast (2000)
Some obvious ones there that are worth a mention in case you’ve missed them.
Things to do in Denver when you’re Dead (1995)
Bad Boys , not the Will Smith one but the earlier unrelated movie with Sean Penn. Really good action and some really wild fight scenes involving full cans of soda
A couple random ones:
Sneakers is the OG hacker film. If you haven’t seen it, it’s an absolute must. It’s a computer-driven heist film from the 90’s and even though the tech aged, the movie holds up beautifully.
Believe it or not, I’m gonna recommend Solo: A Star Wars Story. It is, at its heart, a sci-fi heist flick.
solo was great, shame its release was sandwiched between like 3 of the biggest movies ever and they canned the star wars story movies because of its poor sales
Yeah, it has its flaws, but I think if you just give it a chance and don’t obsess over the Star Warsness of it, it’s just a fun movie.
I can think of one, and you’ve probably seen it. Papillon from 1973 with McQueen and Hoffman in leading roles.
You might enjoy some of Woo Min-ho’s films. ‘Drug King’ (2018) is a biopic about a Korean drug lord in the '70s, while ‘Inside Men’ (2016) is a political thriller focusing on corruption in modern Korean society (criminal organisations influencing politicans and the judicial system). I’d also recommend Na Hong-jin’s ‘The Yellow Sea’ (2010), which is about a Yanbian taxi driver who falls into the criminal underworld after racking up huge debts via his gambling addiction.
Beware I have seen alot.
One I liked a lot is Layer Cake with Daniel Craig
How about some classic Danish heist movies? Olsen-banden ser rødt is one of the better in the series.
If you’re looking for something a little different in the gangster genre, the anime series Baccano! might be worth a try.
“Grand Slam” (1967)
“House of Money” - funny nobody mentioned this one. But only the first heist, the first two seasons. The later ones are not up to par.
‘Snatch’ and ‘Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels’ are two of my favourite gangster/heist movies, both by Guy Ritchie. ‘Brawl In Cell Block 99’ is a surprisingly good and quite violent prison movie starring Vince Vaughn. A far less violent prison movie I quite like is 'The Green Mile". “Gangs of New York” is definitely worth a watch if you’ve not seen it. There are also of course the classic heists like ‘Italian Job’ and ‘Ocean’s [number]’. ‘Catch me If You Can’ isn’t a heist movie per se but it involves a lot of stealing and subterfuge.
I know there are so many more I can’t currently think of but hopefully these few suggestions help to occupy your week off, enjoy!
I found it super interesting watching the original Ladykillers and the Coen Brothers remake back to back.
Original (with Alec Guiness and Peter Sellers):
Remake (with Tom Hanks and J.K. Simmons):
Watch the original!
The Wachowskis’ Bound, The Kitchen, and Flawless