I have used bash, zsh, ksh, and now powershell. I am by no means an expert on UNIX shells. I could get all my work done on any one of these. My main shell is Zsh with some oh-my-zsh plugins because I’m lazy. What can you do in powershell that you can’t do in any other shell? Also, does the shell you use even matter? Sorry if this is a dumb question.
You can whatever shell you like and still write scripts in bash, as bash is a part of (practically) every system. When you write a .sh script the first line will indicate which shell to use, so you can run bash scripts from any shell so long as you have it installed.
The #!/bin/bash thing (first line) is called the shebang and it can use any application not just shell, so that means Python or PowerShell or any other tool.
This is the way! I also like using zsh with oh-my-zsh as an interactive shell, but I still write my scripts in Bash. They can run anywhere (and most scripts you’ll find online are also in Bash)
Yup, same. I prefer zsh and omz, but I write all my shell scripts in bash for portability and compatibility.