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Given the recent detainment of a French person who got detained because he said something bad about the current administration in his WhatsApp messages. It makes me wonder if WhatsApp is truly end to end encrypted as they claimed. How did they even single him out?

As a corollary question, if I were to pass Customs, and if I delete WhatsApp , Reddit etc just before I reach the counter, will they be able to find out that I just deleted the apps minutes ago? I’ll be deleting them from my phone but keep them on the cloud.

  • ocean@lemmy.selfhostcat.com
    4 days ago

    The mods response is odd but also the comments are real. Who is dumb enough to think WhatsApp is safe?

    Your post has been removed for being too specific to a company or single product. These days, reddit is heavily astroturfed with fake posts asking questions about companies and services by shills of those same companies and services as a form of fake organic advertising, and by competitors trying to create FUD to benefit their own product or service. This often takes the form or character assassination, libel, and conspiracy theories.

    We don’t allow it, and in order to keep it from happening, we remove posts that are too close to astroturfing, corporate comparisons, personal Nd political opinions, ranting diatribes, etc.

    If your question was legitimate (asking for pros and cons, potential issues, comparisons, etc), feel free to use subreddits more appropriate such as one for the company or service mentioned, or see privacyguides.org for community comparisons and recommendations to privacy focused open source software.