Was considering to get a grid mat, large- at least A2 or so - of those you can write and erase. After searching online I found few options, and they’re a bit pricey.
Any recommendations? I don’t need anything fancy. Just a large laminated grid that can be rolled up. Thanks
I love the Pathfinder basic flip mat and bigger basic flip mat. You can use wet and dry erase on them. They’ll last forever. They’re really easy to care for. And they’re inexpensive.
They fold up instead of rolling up but they’re great.
I’ve been using two chessex battle maps for a few months now and they’re great too but dry erase only, more expensive, and need more special care like not leaving anything on them, not folding them, and using the right colors.
If I had to pick one, it would be the Pathfinder basic flip mat.