Papa bless
Glad to know that somewhere at some point, big balls is going to get a report detailing my airplane edition of Fuck Marry Kill.
100% of those are electricity wires.
They are telegraph wires. The style of the insulator and the uneven distribution are a dead giveaway.
There would be no insulator for fiber or coax or cat3 lines…
It’s an old picture from actual telegraph lines.
Back in the day, telephone poles were used to carry telephone wires.
Is this the government efficiency I’ve been hearing so much about?
Between the reckless spending, stoping IRS from collecting income, and destroying manufacturing and exporting in America its just a matter of time until the country is bankrupt. I don’t think they will make it half of his term before out of money with debt ceiling raised already.
The world no longer wants American goods.
This one’s for you, Mr. FBI-watching-me-be-sarcastic-online guy:
Eat my taint fedboy
¡Watch 'em all you want! My country wouldn’t have extradited me before Trough, let alone now.
Too many doors yes, Fed-boys?
Use Tor.
And use it properly. Read the damn guide. Silly teenagers have been caught making bomb threats despite using Tor (badly).
idk about you but I like the idea of people stupid enough to get caught making bomb threats getting caught
You have an upvote button
As if DARPA doesn’t control 70% of the exit nodes…
then dont use exit-nodes
So what you’re saying is you have zero clue how TOR works? Gotcha.
Now give me a reason I shouldn’t block you.
People aren’t typically caught inside a darknet when they are accessing only things inside that darknet. They get caught when their traffic passes through a compromised node or when accessing external resources. You are much harder to track if you keep your darknet activities inside that darknet. In the case of Tor, you would typically be accessing .onion sites. If you are using tor to just hide where you are along to way then accessing something suspect on public internet, you are just drawing more attention to yourself.
In the case of i2p, most everything is inside the network. This limits its usefulness but prevents the most common way of identifying someone in a darknet from working at all.
Freenet im still learning more about but so far it looks like there are levels of secrecy there and the most common use case in freenet has been blow open by the feds. There’s another method that’s supposedly harder for them to track but I don’t know enough about freenet to speak on that yet.
Your username suits you.
They dont.
This isn’t me being sarcastic.
Fuck off.
Lol war of terrorism more like it
Fuck off how about that! If you wanna bend over and take it from this administration, go for it. I’m not gonna do that.
Hey fed bag reading this right now.
I. Fucked. Your. Mother.
Thank you so much, she has been lonely.
Shes not lonely now with my full dick and balls all the way inside her (I’ve never had sex before).
Pro, if I do say so myself, tip: Do not insert the balls. Leave them out and slapping.
It was kinda awkward stuffing them in there. I just don’t want god to see I’m wasting perfectly good balls.
In Canadian airports, departures to US have a section under US jurisdiction. People are asked to unlock their phones, and denied entry if they don’t of if insufficiently enthusiastic comments about Trump are found on it. Praise Trump!!! Our new founding father, and bringer of the purge.
More like war on free speech.
pfft. they don’t scare me. Hey pigs im Hubert Manne. Thats H-U-B-E-R-T and I live at 1397 Prince Ave, Athens, GA 30606. My ssn is 123-45-6789. Come at me bros!
You live in a pizza restaurant?
He lives in the sex dungeon beneath it! /s
Ooooooh, that must be fun! I wonder if they have parties! Where a bunch of hotties go upstairs to the pizza parlor, lure some guy downstairs, strip him naked, tie him down on a bench, and then just…tickle him for hours and hours.
Tickle me elmo
No, tickle ME elmo!