Hot often had anyone really rewatched the animated series? I think I watched it once when I picked up the cool DVD set, but haven’t felt the urge to go back.

    31 year ago

    I’ve just rewatched it and it’s very… mixed. Some plots and ideas are great, others are just silly :).

    • @CCatManOP
      21 year ago

      Yeah, the shorter run time I think really hurt the show

    • DarraignTheSane
      21 year ago

      Not much different than TOS itself though, albeit with more silly than great episodes IMO. You can tell that many of them would’ve been TOS season 4 plots… others were made as “kids show” filler.

    21 year ago

    I am finishing TOS for the first time, then I am going to watch TAS. I am not really looking forward to it. But it is the last Trek thing for me to watch other than some of the TOS movies. But I’m saving them for the end as I am looking forward to that.

  • BobApril
    21 year ago

    It would be a lot better if the animation and music were redone, it’s hard to enjoy the plots when you’re listening to the same 3-second snippet of music for the fifth time in 22 minutes. But most of the plots are true Trek plots, stripped down to bare essentials to fit the runtime. I found it more enjoyable to rewatch in conjunction with a podcast that dives into it - I recommend the Mission Log podcast (, but there’s others out there to choose from.

    11 year ago

    TAS is bizarre but I kind of love it. The animation is so cheap and recycled for most of the main cast, but they do go out of their way to do things you could never have pulled off in live-action. Plus - giant inflatable Enterprise decoy? Why not?

    • @CCatManOP
      11 year ago

      I liked the glowing personal air pocket thingy they could put on.