tweet by Alex Dacy | Wheelchair Rapunzel @dacy_alex:
“We need to start treating ableist slurs as seriously as we treat other forms of hate speech. Disabled people don’t deserve to be mentally abused on behalf of something you don’t deem “that serious.” Ableist slurs are very serious.”

  • Jordan Lund
    51 year ago

    I have less of a problem with slurs than I do people assuming I’m not disabled.

    I’ve had people yell at me in grocery stores for the temerity of using an electric scooter to get around.

    I get it, I’m not old, I’m 6’2", and a pretty big guy. I look healthy. I also have a 10" chest scar from where they cracked me open like a lobster and I can’t really walk more than about 5 minutes.

    • MemeCollectorOP
      1 year ago

      I have less of a problem with slurs than I do people assuming I’m not disabled.

      Why not both?

      But to your point - being a young(er) person with a (at times) invisible disability that still means I use a wheelchair, I get the same shit, and it’s frustrating as hell. As if it’s any of their fucking business even if we were “faking”…

      Solidarity friend. ✊

  • Hyacathusarullistad
    41 year ago

    As someone who is not disabled (also cishet, white, and male; but those privileges are for another post), there’s often language coded into social norms that I don’t realise are normalised slurs. The R-word was a big one when I was a kid that I’ve made a conscious effort since high school to stop using, for example.

    Are there any resources you could share that might help educate me further on other common terms or expressions that people like me might not realise are ableist in origin?

  • DessertStorms
    1 year ago

    This morning I was called inferior for being disabled and suggesting maybe people don’t use ableist slurs and ideas (like literally advocating eugenics), and I consider that a “good” outcome, since more often than not people will descend in to literal death threats/wishes or telling me to kill myself (E: alternatively, they will completely dismiss me for apparently being a “white knight” because in their ableist mind disabled people A. don’t exist on the internet or B. couldn’t possibly be able to advocate for ourselves).

    People simply don’t give a shit about the harm they cause disabled people, and trying to “take away” some of their favourite slurs (so not even addressing all of their ableism, just the tip of the iceberg part) gets met with increasing defensiveness which will 9 times out of 10 turn to full blown aggression, and 10 times out of 10 with them trying to see how many ableist slurs they can hurl at you at once (all while thinking they’re the funniest people in existence).

    Having a space that openly stands against this shit isn’t just a rarity, it is a much needed safe haven. 💙