4chan is a place where anonymous people can post whatever they want with no account.
As they say on their own website - “only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.”
…I am beginning to realize that 2007 was 16 years ago. There’s a whole generation of people who were born after 4chan had its heyday. People who don’t even know what 4chan is.
So, uh, no. That’s not him. 4chan just does that stuff.
I can confirm that this 4chan post was indeed made by me and that the story of me making out with this guys girlfriend is also true. Chick had jugs like you wouldn’t believe it. Bitch as loser just sat there and cried. Anyway, I’m off to Poland to film a video about a really interesting public toilet they have there.
Tom Scott out.
PS: Matt Gray is also here with me.
Hi it’s me, Matt Grey. I also do youtube, sometimes.
Next video, he’s standing in a volcanic wasteland or something
“I’m here at what is widely considered to be the harshest, most inhospitable, shit hole of the planet. This volcano is irrelevant because I’m talking about…”
4chan is a place where anonymous people can post whatever they want with no account.
As they say on their own website - “only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.”
…I am beginning to realize that 2007 was 16 years ago. There’s a whole generation of people who were born after 4chan had its heyday. People who don’t even know what 4chan is.
So, uh, no. That’s not him. 4chan just does that stuff.
Hi, actual Tom Scott here
I can confirm that this 4chan post was indeed made by me and that the story of me making out with this guys girlfriend is also true. Chick had jugs like you wouldn’t believe it. Bitch as loser just sat there and cried. Anyway, I’m off to Poland to film a video about a really interesting public toilet they have there.
Tom Scott out.
PS: Matt Gray is also here with me.
Hi it’s me, Matt Grey. I also do youtube, sometimes.
The actual Tom Scott here. OP literally loves nothing more than to constantly deepthroat donkey dick.
Guys… What if a video about an interesting Polish toilet actually comes out next week? Then we’d have really been pwned.
Next video, he’s standing in a volcanic wasteland or something
“I’m here at what is widely considered to be the harshest, most inhospitable, shit hole of the planet. This volcano is irrelevant because I’m talking about…”
He pulls up a laptop and points it at the screen
It’s a hacker, right?
The person claiming to be Tom Scott? No, but 4chan is.
Yes, please contact the cyber police.
Nothing on the internet ever happened, but that’s at least doubly true on 4chan.
Man 4chan in the late 00s was some good shit. I miss it and Mootykins
In every field tho