BTW: The black deck box is full of Unstable Unicorns and it’s expansions.
I don’t know why but randomly finding a fellow portuguese player, on a german lemmy community, speaking in english is quite amazing.
What are your thoughts on Root and Heat?
Heat and Camel Up?! Both such terrific ‘racing’ games!
That’s a nice collection you got there. Many classics and a quite heavy game like Root.
And despite it’s simplicity, ‘6 Nimmt’ is also great, especially with higher player counts.
Awesome, welcome.
How are you liking Heat? My wife and I dig deck builders and I’ve been eyeing this up for a while.
Solid collection; welcome to the Federation.
In case you didn’t know, your copy of Century: Eastern Wonders can be combined with Century: Spice Road and Century: A New World in any combination for a mix & match alternate game with some of the gameplay from each one integrated into it.
Chad carcassonne enjoyer
What, no Omega Virus??
What an awesome collection! Have you heard of Mansions of Madness?
Nice collection!
Great collection!
Which game do you play most often?Cool collection! Cosmic Encounter is my all time favorite