• @breadsmasher@lemmy.world
    15510 months ago

    “brexit is a failure and I was lied to”

    horseshit. 50% of us were telling the other half how badly this would go. We called their lies out. We were labelled “remoaners” and “project fair”

    “…regain his sicilian roots and get an italian passport”

    He made a mistake and rather than doing anything to help change it and resolve the problems he caused by voting for brexit, hes going to run away to another EU country. Absolute scumbag.

    • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
      2210 months ago

      Just want to point out for the readers that the brexiter slogan is “Project Fear” rather than “project fail” (no doubt a mistype).

      This is important as it was one of the main slogans used by the far-right nationalists that pushed for Brexit, to dismiss every and all argument made by the other side about the consequences of voting Leave (notice how it dovetails with calling the other side “remoaners”). I live in the UK before, at the time and for a year afterwards and that I remember Brexiters did not actually used a single logical and well analysed argument, just half-throughts, outright lies and this kind of slogan.

      I would say the Leave vote was won mainly on nationalism (which, by the way, is and has been for centuries widelly cultivated in England by pretty much all of the Press and both main parties) and anti-immigrant scapegoating and even racism (to the point that people speaking polish on their mobiles got attacked on the street).

      Mind you, the “other” side was mostly headed by politcians who had spend the previous 2 decades or so, when they were in Government using the EU as a scapegoat for measures that they themselves wanted and which were unpopular (it wasn’t uncommon for the UK Government to push for something in the EU and then when it got implemented in the UK blame the EU for it), so they couldn’t actually come out and admit that the EU was a good thing and had done and was doing good things for the UK - as the would be admiting their own lies during all those years of scapegoating the EU - so all they had left were negative arguments against leaving, hence why “project fear” and “remoaners” were such great slogans.

      Already before that referendum, the discourse about the EU in the UK was quite different than it was in other EU countries, as the political class in the UK saw the EU as a means to extended the UK’s power and influence (i.e. they sought to use the EU) rather than the “pooling of power for the good of the group” view on the EU which was predominant in most of Continental Europe. In fact this mindset was to such a point that many of the Remainers were actually making the argument that “The UK should stay in the EU and reform it” (or, in other words, the UK would change the EU to be what the UK wanted it to be, as if its 50 millin people counted more than the other 470 million - which by the way does match how a large segment of the English population still now sees themselves as inherently superior to all foreigners but americans).

    • @Ashyr@sh.itjust.works
      1410 months ago

      It’s not like Italy isn’t struggling with its own fascist problems. Dude would feel right at home there.

    • @rifugee@lemmy.world
      610 months ago

      Just to clarify, if you have Italian ancestry (grandparents or parents), you can apply for Italian dual citizenship which would would then give you an EU passport without having to actually move there. At least as far as I understand.

      My wife is half Italian and we’ve been seriously thinking of emigrating from the US to somewhere in the EU and we’ve been exploring options.

      I’m not condoning a Brexit vote by any means, but I just wanted to clarify that getting an Italian passport does not automatically mean that they’re abandoning the UK.

      Lastly, and this may be unpopular, but I think the guy should be given a little credit for at least admitting his mistake. I’m stuck in a pro Trump state and am surrounded by idiots that are going to vote for that dumb fuck for a third time and I wish there were more people here that would admit their mistake.

  • @DrCake@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    It really annoys me how brexit voters hide behind the “I was lied to by the politicians”. Oh how could I have guessed that a movement lead by Farage, Rees-Mog, and Boris Johnson would lie to me. If only there was a pattern of them lying previously to inform me of there current behaviour.

    The remain campaign (and anyone with half a brain) routinely pointed out the lies. Turns out 52% of people vote on vibes alone, we are fucked.

    • sab
      10 months ago

      Step one: Vote for incompetent buffoons who will say whatever bullshit it is you want them to say, despite every person on the planet with half a brain insisting that they’re full of shit.
      Step two: Complain that the politicians lied to you.

      • @tankplanker@lemmy.world
        2510 months ago

        There is a step missing between those two: Say Brexit is going perfectly until they personally experience a minor inconvenience caused by Brexit

    • @Pringles@lemm.ee
      410 months ago

      The remain campaign was complacent and that’s why they lost. The polls showed a majority for remain and many thought it wasn’t necessary to go vote as remain was going to win anyway.

      So before you lay blame with brexit voters, you should lay the blame with people who wanted to remain and couldn’t be bothered to show up and vote. They dropped the ball and the brexit voter then kicked it away.

      • DessertStorms
        710 months ago

        So before you lay blame with brexit voters, you should lay the blame with people who wanted to remain and couldn’t be bothered to show up and vote.

        No, we should all be blaming the media and the people it serve who used their essentially unlimited power to manipulate the entire population to give them the result they wanted.

      • TheHarpyEagle
        710 months ago

        How do you figure? I’m seeing that voter turnout was 72%, which is higher than even the general election, and it’s unlikely that improving that even among young voters probably wouldn’t have made a difference.


        We also carry out a back-of-the-envelope calculation regarding turnout. Young people voted overwhelmingly in favour of Remain but had a lower turnout than older age groups. We find that a higher turnout of young voters would have been very unlikely to result in a different referendum outcome, partly because their turnout was already elevated compared with previous UK-wide elections.

  • sab
    10 months ago

    Sure, people told me that my neighbours might have to leave the country and that the staff crisis of the NHS would get several times worse than it already was. But nobody told me my holidays would be affected!

    This is the exact kind of selfish stupidity is what caused the mess in the first place.

    • Unaware7013
      1510 months ago

      But nobody told me my holidays would be affected!

      I’m only a dumb American, so I barely know anything specific about brexit, but even I’m fairly certain that travel /vacations and other shit we’re talked about as probably being affected by brexit.

      But this might just be an instance of “no one specifically told me what would happen to my stuff” or something.

      • Hillock
        10 months ago

        People just underestimate how traveling changed in the past few decades. Especially the refugee crisis made the borders way tighter for Non-EU members.

        Before the EU even was a thing, as long as you had a strong passport traveling was super easy within Europe. Only when traveling by car you sometimes had long waiting times, they disappeared since the EU. But very few UK citizens would travel by car. And since the UK wasn’t part of the Schengen area, they still had to go through passport control when entering mainland EU. A process that was basically the same as before the EU.

        But while the UK was part of the EU they had access to the fast track lanes for EU-citizens. Now they have to stand in line with the rest. And they have to go through the online registration form before traveling. And the number of people traveling has increased and again the control has become way tighter.

        • sab
          410 months ago

          The refugee aspect of it is also amazing - the entire Dublin system is basically designed so that countries like the UK could ship asylum seekers back to first countries like Greece and Italy without giving them due process. Leaving the Dublin system means they’ll have to unilaterally comply with their UN obligations to people asking for asylum at their shores, making it a whole lot harder to get rid of people.

          There’s a reason why the European asylum system is as unpopular with human rights activists as it was with the average Brexiteer.

          • Hillock
            310 months ago

            The European Travel Information and Authorisation System - ETIAS. I thought it went online in 2023 but apparantly it was delayed to 2024. So for now it’s not needed for British citizen but will be mandatory once it goes online.

  • @cypher_greyhat@lemmy.world
    7510 months ago

    In parts of England, they burned down 5G towers because of ignorant Facebook posts. Voting for something like Brexit with zero critical thinking is pretty common.

    • @drekly@lemmy.world
      1210 months ago

      We had a neighbourhood Facebook group during COVID, where we all spoke about the building works in our new estate.

      One lady posted a video, asking if we should all be afraid of the new lamposts because the video claimed they were weapons transmitting evil 5G

      • Obinice
        810 months ago

        I wish there were a single curated feed of that kinda stuff that I could read through every day, because it’s hilarious.

        • @ickplant@lemmy.world
          410 months ago

          If you are in the US, sign up for your local Nextdooor. It’s as close as it gets to a curated feed of reactionary morons with too much time on their hands.

          • SokathHisEyesOpen
            210 months ago

            It’s a shame too, because it would be nice to have a neighborhood chat with normal people. But nooo, all the crazies come out of the woodwork any time there’s an online group.

  • @niktemadur@lemmy.world
    3810 months ago

    If that phrase is how this person actually said it, that person has learned NOTHING and should STILL be ashamed, it sounds like it’s still - and shall remain - all about “I didn’t care because I never thought it would happen to me, TO ME!”, that ignorant useful idiot will again be a malleable meat muppet for toxic manipulators at the ballot box.

    • TheWoozy
      10 months ago

      “‘I never thought leopards would eat MY face,’ sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.”

    • sab
      1210 months ago

      If other people lose their livelihood because of your actions, you should be pretty god damn careful complaining about your holidays.

      • @niktemadur@lemmy.world
        1310 months ago

        From the sound of it, that person is still just as much of a mindless social deadweight as when casting the ballot for Brexit nine years ago.

  • IHeartBadCode
    3010 months ago

    I could kill myself for being so stupid, my pro-Brexit vote contributed to the mayhem the UK is now in. It never occurred me to that my holidays in Italy could be affected

    Well too late for the killing yourself, you can chalk that up to your shortsightedness as well.

    Thomas (not his real name)

    Well he’s learned nothing about actual shame if he’s still hiding behind a fake name. Having read the story it doesn’t sound like he’s sorry one bit about his vote. It sounds like he’s sorry that he’s having to involve lawyers into getting the fuck out of the UK. Not once was there a, “Oh gee, I’ve fucked over generations to come because I’m a complete ass.” Everything was like “fuck I wish I could leave this fucking shithole and everyone in it that I’ve created.”

    All the blah-blah from many pro-Brexit politicians and commentators made me

    No dipshit, you pushed the button. Nobody held a knife to your throat. You fucked up, learn to own it asshole.

    I could kill myself for being so stupid

    At this point, nothing stopping you from letting your dream come true. Fuck this pansy ass fucktard that can’t be an adult. I hope he spends the rest of his days in the UK living in the shit he’s made.

  • Jordan Lund
    2810 months ago

    Who knew that the “Leopards Eating Faces Party” had gone multinational?

    • @C4d@lemmy.world
      2010 months ago

      Brexit is such easy pickings for “leopards ate my face” content.

      As for Thomas, not sure what to make of him. He seems to recognise the folly of voting for Brexit, but it’s all come a little too late - and only when there was a direct impact on him.

  • @tegs_terry@feddit.uk
    1010 months ago

    I swear to god, now peoples’ holidays are fucked it’s gonna drop more pennies than decades of common sense (really talking about climate change here but, this too).

  • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    910 months ago

    Should also be ashamed to care more about their holiday than the suffering of the people, especially the ones already most vulnerable, though…

  • @Anonymousllama@lemmy.world
    510 months ago

    Love seeing real life consequences for people’s terrible decisions, really reinforces the whole cause and effect that people seem to forget about nowadays