How was it? What programs did you use?

I want to try it, but the browser thing is a deal breaker I think.

  • amd
    511 months ago

    I live about 90% in various terminal windows.

    I’m multi-machine and play in my homelab stuff a lot, so I sit in mosh/tmux/vim all day long. This has been my usual experience for a long long time. My experimentation tends to be on the GUI side of things, trying out this “vs code” thing everyone is talking about…

    but I’ll still never live without a GUI, browsing sucks so hard in a terminal now. It’s basically unworkable.

    211 months ago

    I don’t think I could ever give up GUI completely. I would not be able to work without GUI tools for coding, making presentations, editing documents, etc. I don’t want to memorize terminal commands for things that are easier / quicker to get done with a GUI. Also, what about gaming?

  • @s_s
    211 months ago

    I3wm here. I haven’t used a real linux DE since I ran Unity on my netbook. I use terminal apps for almost everything except web browsing and krita

  • PureTryOut
    211 months ago

    No because why would I? Various things, like browsing the web as you mentioned, aren’t made for the terminal. I see literally no point in trying to use the terminal for everything, I already have enough use-cases for it.

  • [TK] Trainzkid
    13 years ago

    I try to make a habit of using the terminal for as much as I can, which honestly is a lot. I’ve even found a way to use it at work.

    One day, I plan to run Linux without a window manager, maybe even without xorg entirely, using the tty’s exclusively.

    111 months ago

    Around 10 years ago after the radeon xorg driver broke for the nth time on my arch install, I decided to just ditch Xorg altogether. I used screen for multiplexing, mutt for mail, irssi and some other messanger and w3m with (framebuffer support for images) for browsing the interwebs. I also had a videoplayer. I think it was mplayer. I rocked that setup for almost a year during college. Fun times.