Seriously this is a lot of fun. It is absolutely a Bethesda game through and through. Not sure what people were expecting. I’m glad it’s not like No Man’s Sky because that game bored the shit out of me almost immediately.


    10 months ago

    I’m having a blast as well. I’m getting sidetracked by all the random side missions and activities that I’m 16 hours in and still haven’t really completed the first main storyline mission. I had to figure things out that would have been taught to me during that mission apparently.

    My only issue is resources and modding. Carrying all that crap around on the off chance I need it is killing my carry capacity.

    Otherwise I’m just blasting through space and enjoying the dialog and pickpocketing/stealing everything I see. Good times.

      410 months ago

      For the first time ever in a Bethesda RPG I’ve decided I won’t go stealth and I won’t pick up every crappy item to be permanently overloaded. FREEDOM! Only 3 hours in but it feels great.

    • @Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.worldOP
      310 months ago

      Same here. I spent four hours exploring the moon Kreen and haven’t even fought the crimson fleet mission. It’s amazing how sidetracked you can get.

      110 months ago

      Yeah, its weird

      Like you can start gathering and collecting resources from the very beginning of the game, but 30 hours in and i still cant use any significant amount of it?

  • Piecemakers
    10 months ago

    I mean, once I got past the whole “Here, take my starship and utility bot. It’s cool. I’ll just stay here with these miners who’re now hunted by a notoriously bloodthirsty merc group. Have fun!”… Sure. 🤦🏼‍♂️

    That sorry excuse for writing is how you begin your groundbreaking game, Bethesda? Truly? 🙄

      510 months ago

      Eh, I really didn’t think about it too much, but not to spoil anything, but that decision does come back up later with consequences so it makes sense.

      But also, when has Bethesda had great writing? This has def been the biggest gripe with them for a long time now, and it’s def not the strongest point of the game lmao

    1110 months ago

    Absolutely loving it. Constantly getting sidetracked, missions, helping folk, I’ve even been enjoying surveying planets. Although I will definitely need the skills to make that quicker an easier.

    No Man’s Sky was the biggest disappointment I’ve ever experienced as a gamer. Mining to build something to refine something you mined to make a part you need to mine something to fuel. So boring.

      410 months ago

      I really like the current state of nms, they’ve added a ton of content and patches since launch 7 years ago, but it’s not for everyone since there isn’t any one direction or goal. There is a central storyline, and every few months there’s an expedition which is like side mini-storylines to introduce new content and get cosmetics, but besides that you’re pretty much left to explore the galaxies as you please

    1010 months ago

    Yes, but I’m glad my expectations were lowered before I played it since it was hyped up to be more than just another open world Bethesda game. It’s fun for what it is and I really appreciate that being encumbered doesn’t reduce your run speed, it just makes your stamina (oxygen) lower as if you were sprinting. I’ve been able to realize my dream of looting absolutely every piece of garbage (that isn’t marked as stealing) and selling it when I get back to a city, whereas in previous Bethesda games I had to actually be selective in what I took.

      510 months ago

      It’s a great feature. Works incredibly well on low g planets when you’re far from your ship.

      I’ve stopped hoarding resources though, it has got out of hand. Haven’t figured out where to store it all off ship. All the outpost storage at my current level seems pretty low.

        10 months ago

        I bought the Econohaul ship at New Atlantis ASAP to keep all my junk I may never even use. At over 2900 I’ve only managed to fill it about halfway so far.

          210 months ago

          This might be a bug….but you can use Econohaul to add stuff to storage, then switch to another ship and it all just stays in storage. You can’t ADD anything until you switch back. But there doesn’t seem to be any downside otherwise!

            110 months ago

            I wondered what would happen if you did that since most can’t hold as much. So the new ship just gets “overfilled”, as it were, but still works? Great tip! Seems worth having a ship with the highest cargo capacity as well as one with the best stats in all other areas, then.

      • @Skiptrace
        210 months ago

        The Lodge Basement has an Infinite Mass Storage Unit.

      510 months ago

      Yeah it’s disappointing you need to fast travel to get everywhere, even to the other parts of the planet. It’s a little better using the scanner to fast travel instead of the map but it still feels lame. I’m still having a ton of fun though, about 20 hours in now.

          110 months ago

          The game’s menus are nowhere near good enough for how much we are forced to use them. Theyre really disruptive and clunky to the normal flow of the game. In context, interfaces have been a weak point for BGS, I was hoping they would have gotten it right this time.

          Like, overall, the gameplay is fun to me but I dread when it switches to ‘Fallout 4 UI Simulator’.

          110 months ago

          I totally agree about the bullet spongyness. I was planning on doing my first playthrough vanilla but I might have to make an exception and use a mod for this.

        • loobkoob
          110 months ago

          The enemies being spongy is kind of expected, and even a good thing, in a game like this, I think. For your weapon upgrades and damage perks to feel impactful, you can’t be killing enemies too quickly at the start. And it also incentivises you to find ways to avoid combat if you’re not planning on building into weapon/damage upgrades. I get that it can feel immersion-breaking for some people (though not for me, thankfully), but I think it’s pretty important on a mechanical level in RPGs.

    710 months ago

    I love No Mans Sky, and still play it regularly today.

    I am also really enjoying Starfield - I am glad they are different games as I wouldn’t want what would amount to playing the same game, slightly differently skinned.

    Overall, really enjoying it. I have seen complaints that basically amount to “its another bethesda experience” which isn’t necessarily wrong, but I do enjoy their games in general.

    I am approximately 15 hours into the game

    • @Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.worldOP
      710 months ago

      I wish I could get into NMS. Yeah the seamless planet to space transition is cool, but I found the game pointless. I haven’t played in awhile maybe it’s better now.

          110 months ago

          I just wish they would put out an update to the core gameplay loop. There’s all these interesting things to do but I can’t get to that point because collecting resources seems never ending and its incredibly boring. The gunplay is absolutely atrocious as well.

      210 months ago

      Yeah I always find that comment weird. I love Bethesda games so it’s not terrible that they still follow the same format and in this case the polish was nicer than normal.

      It’s like saying hey look at this new Tarantino or Wes Anderson movie coming out, ugh I am so tired of them doing the same thing every movie.

  • Tywele
    10 months ago

    I’m 17 hours in so far and really enjoying the game. For a short moment at the beginning I was a bit annoyed because I couldn’t find the last resource to scan on a planet to get 100%. But the next day I said screw that and continued the main quest and I’m having a blast since then. The game is exactly how I imagined it. The only thing I wished was that they would used small cutscenes more to hide loading screens.

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    10 months ago

    I’m having too much choice paralysis. 😵‍💫

    I will spend hours just wandering aimlessly looking for things to do end up with 20 missions and not want to do any of them because along the way I learn something new that’s possible and seek to check that out. I’ve just been bouncing around 3 or 4 star systems going between Mars, New Atlantis, Neon and Akila and feel like I’ve barely scraped the surface.

    It’s fun to notice the tropes, though. Its like they just took everything from sci-fi they thought was cool and shoved it into one game. You’ve got the Star Trek planet, the Cyberpunk planet, the Firefly planet, a faction that’s basically Starship Troopers, the NCR Rangers from Fallout (everyone thought they were so cool), evil corporations filled with snappy dressers… I’m sure there’s gotta be a derelict ship or station that has a terramorph infestation that is going to be basically Alien/Aliens (and I can’t wait to find it). As a huge sci-fi fan, I appreciate the hell outta this game for the nerdgasm it gives me.

    410 months ago

    I’m nearly 50 hours in already (and haven’t played at all today, yet 😎) and having so much fun with the game, barely even touched the main story because I’m so fixated on rebuilding my ship constantly

      410 months ago

      I opened the ship edit screen and just backed out haha, Im not ready!! although I did end up going back in to make the starter ship all black. Also do you know if you hijack and steal another ship does it just sort of stay in inventory? or can you like assign crew to live in it or something

      • @Dima
        310 months ago

        You need to dock with the ship and pilot it somewhere that lets you modify your ships. Then just go into “view and modify ships” to change your home ship if you want to use something else.

    310 months ago

    Super fun, I wish I could fly around in atmosphere.

    I realize now that is asking a lot since the game is almost completely instanced instead of free roam.

    But the naysayers from early access have been proven wrong. The game actually runs fantastic on my 3080 (despite my processor necking the system), at 60-70 fps with everything on ultra and scaling down to 80%.

    310 months ago

    Im having a lot of fun, running around the planets trying to find new locations, I want to start building bases because I have so many followers I cant assign to stuff

    10 months ago

    I’m like 30+ hours in and it’s all I’m thinking about at work rn. That doesn’t always happen, few games hook me like that. Halo 2/3 from MS/HS, probably Skyrim to an extent, ESO (forever and always apparently, cause I’m still playing that amongst Starfield), and now this. And it’s all aspects. I want to build my ship, I want to do my outposts and crafting, I want to explore planets to find needed resources, gear, and weapons, I want to finish the main story, and the side quests (and I’m actually agonizing over which side I want to go with). Menus are weird, but it barely detracts. If anything it helps me get where I need to go quickly, the travel to objective feature is awesome for someone like me who couldn’t find New Atlantis at one point because I forgot which system it was in.

    I’m debating bringing my Xbox with me to a friend’s house for a weekend trip so we can play there.

    I’m definitely bringing it, who am I kidding?

  • slade357
    10 months ago

    The fact that the game is unplayable on an HDD is really upsetting. That’s it, I can’t form an opinion on the rest because the stuttering is so bad that I cannot play it.

    I’ve gotten a lot of replies to this and I don’t really care to argue. I know SSDs are better for loading assets. Tech is my job. I understand that. I do not agree that HDDs are deprecated. Y’all are really angry about this and should take a few steps back.

      1610 months ago

      Still using an HDD in 2023 is like trying to use a horse and cart and complaining the motorway traffic is too fast

    • @Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.worldOP
      1010 months ago

      Dude, SSDs are not expensive anymore like they were ten years ago. If there is any upgrade you need to make, replacing the hdd with an ssd is absolutely the first thing you should do.

      910 months ago

      Yeah physical spinning disks haven’t been relevant on mondern systems outside of cold data storage since roughly 2016. Price difference between SSD and HDD are pretty much the same up to the 1-2tb range. Its also listed in the minium requirements for the game.

      Think its time for a modern storage medium my dude.

      • slade357
        210 months ago

        That is simply not true. If hdds were outdated 7 years ago I would have had problems 7 years ago. This is the only game out of the hundreds I have that doesn’t work on an HDD. Elden Ring, EFT, Baldurs Gate, Call of Duty, Hogwarts Legacy, hell even Star Citizen works fine on an HDD and that game is massively unoptimized. Having it on its minimum specs isn’t an excuse. If it was just a case of load times being bad and assets loading in slowly then yeah sure, they did their best and it’s a better experience on an ssd. That’s not the case though, talking to anyone, fighting, opening an inventory, just walking, all of these cause a 5 to 30 seconds freeze and the audio is constantly cutting out. There’s no excuse for that and this is unique to starfield. I am making room on my SSD to play it because I still want to try the game but claiming I’m the unreasonable one for voicing a problem is absurd.

        I could also say that a 1-2 tb hard drive isn’t relevant on modern systems anymore. The price difference between a 4tb SSD and HDD is 2-3x the price.

        • CMLVI
          310 months ago

          That they are still viable for some applications doesn’t mean they aren’t outdated. There will always be the thing that “starts” your issues, and pointing at it and saying that it isn’t hardwares fault doesn’t make it less true. Pointing at past years of non-problematic use doesn’t make future incompatibility unacceptable.

          This is literally the Simpsons meme of the principal standing outside the broken window, saying

          “Is it my old HDDs fault I can’t play a brand-new modern game?”

          “No, it’s the devs fault for not supporting my old hardware”

          210 months ago

          Brother, im not claiming you complaining about a point of contention is an issue at all. Get off your high horse. We all know the game has performance issues

          Also those games you listed are bing impacted by slow access times of your HDD. They just are not impacted as much as the one you are currently complaining about.

          Starfield has a SSD listed as a min req for the game. You not meeting the min req WIIL cause issues.

          Intel 670p nvme drve is $0.035/gb a WD blue 7200rpm HDD is $0.030/gb. Its a roughly $3-5 difference per TB.

          If you really need that $3-5 bro, i can send you it lol.

          What about the rest of your specs? You got a pentium 2 in that thing and 512Mb of ram or somthing sheesh? The futures now old man.

          110 months ago

          That’s good that Baldur’s Gate ran well for you on a HDD, but the minimum specs list a SSD as required.

        210 months ago

        Honestly, I would go as low as 2013. As someone who works in IT, that was about the year all the regular desktop stations basically came with an SSD standard or didn’t really cost much to swap so it was a must. 2016 was more of the move to NVME with M.2 drives.

        For myself I believe I made the switch in 2010, once you get a taste of that speed boost it was hard not to justify the extra cost! Wasn’t to bad either if you got small storage to cut cost. I just wanted my OS to load quick.

          110 months ago

          Yeah thats true, i was mainly giving the poster some leway at a consumer level. I made the swap in my personal systems in 2014 and havent looked back.

      110 months ago

      An ssd is the best bang for the buck upgrade to a slow machine in my experience. Putting even a cheap $40 Kingston one in my grandmas old ass computer took it from unusable to decent speeds for web browsing/office applications/etc. I highly recommend you get one.

      • slade357
        110 months ago

        I have an SSD and an HDD. There’s not room on my SSD for games.

  • @Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.worldOP
    10 months ago

    Also has anyone else been having a flickering screen issue on PC? I turned off film grain but that didn’t seem to help.

    Edit: figured it out. Turning off FreeSync fixed the issue. Not sure why it was causing an issue but whatever.

  • @Skiptrace
    210 months ago

    I’m loving the game for it being finally a Bethesda game in a setting I actually enjoy.

    And, No Man’s Sky tickles a completely different itch for me.