Cool “game” where you compare two fonts and pick which one you prefer, until you’ve narrowed it down to your favorite font.
DM Mono for me! Fun game. There were some fonts that I liked, but seemed to have some kind of bug when displaying consecutive f, or fl or ft pairs. Not sure if the fonts themselves look like that or if it was a rendering issue.
Yeah I saw some issues with that as well, could test those fonts on a different site and see if it’s different.
Source Code Pro <3
IBM Plex Mono came in second for me, though I realized too late that Plex’s # symbol is weird. Probably would’ve been Fira Mono in second if I had noticed that earlier.
Yeah I ended up with Fira Mono vs Fira Code lol. I do like Hack and Source Code Pro as well, I might end up using those anyways.
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Courier Prime. Eh, I just picked whichever one looked less weird. I can’t say I like it.