I have no friends or partner, I’ve been very lonely.
When I go out to try to meet people, no one ever comes up to me and starts talking to me. But if I want to meet someone I have to do exactly that. But like, why should I have to be the one to initiate 100% of the time? Shouldn’t it be 50/50? (And I’m not really talking about societal expectations of the man initiating with the woman, I’d rather have a boyfriend anyway.)
I have such a hard time initiating conversations with people, to the point where I mostly just stress out and sit there alone. If someone initiated with me things might go better. But they just don’t.
The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that literally no one has any interest in me.
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it, the fact that people don’t initiate with me also drives me batshit crazy. And yes, I’ve reached the same conclusions.
That being said, I just keep on initiating. It feels a bit opportunistic sometimes and doesn’t always (read: doesn’t often) pan out but I’ve also reached the conclusion that if I want a chance at making friends, I just have to initiate. That’s just how it is, apparently.