I don’t binge eat, I exercise 3 times a week, or as much as my schedule permits having a 2yold, work, partner and social commitments. I don’t drink. Still I get belly fat now that I am 35+. Wtf? Haas anyone solved this? Did you change diet? Sleep more? Exercise differently? Lower carbs? By how much? Please help me lemmee

  • Zeth0s@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I am older than you and don’t have fat belly. Few questions:

    • What do you eat?
    • how much you eat per meal?
    • how often do you eat?
    • what exercise you do?
    • do you drink a lot of beer.
    • do you do core strength exercises?

    If you have a burger with fries and a pint of beer every day, it’s normal.

    For me postural and core strength exercises are more effective for belly fat, but the real difference is the diet. Less alcohol, almost no fried food, moderate carbs before sleeping, a good balanced diet (i.e. eat everything but cooked healthy).

    I eat quite a lot of carbs in general (I am italian), but also a lot of soups, vegetables and extra virgin olive oil as primary fat in my diet (again, I am italian). I don’t drink coca cola or similar, I do not count calories, as it is counterproductive (at least for me)