Billionaires / the 1% / whatever category of rich assholes you choose obviously use much more resources than “the common man”. Still, if we, as humanity, do not change how and what we consume, cutting what the rich use would not even remotely be enough.
Cutting down on billionaires would do a lot more for the environment
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Both things can be true at the same time.
Billionaires / the 1% / whatever category of rich assholes you choose obviously use much more resources than “the common man”. Still, if we, as humanity, do not change how and what we consume, cutting what the rich use would not even remotely be enough.
One is feeding people. The other is just pollution. The last thing you should mess with is people’s food.
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But it’s so much easier to ban straws than to make fishing companies responsible for their waste and destruction!
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Every single bit?
Billionaires like Joesley Batista?