Conversation ongoing over there, inviting anyone who wants to participate to please consider sharing their thoughts if they are willing to. If you wanna post in the original thread from your instance copy and paste the link into your instances search panel
As I said in the thread, if you aren’t comfortable posting feel free to DM me here or on matrix and I can post anonymously for you.
Regarding erasure, in an effort to make language more inclusive, women’s identity is often erased. “Pregnant people” removes women (the vast majority of people who are pregnant are cis women). Other language like that. So use language that actually does acknowledge women and doesn’t contribute to their erasure. “Pregnant women and people” perhaps, for example. When all you are usually dealing with is text on a screen, language matters.
Re: the other point, it’s less Lemmy-specific. Cis men need to step up and do the work for inclusion as well. It seems there is a default expectation that of course women should be leading the charge since they’re already a “minority” group. It’s tiring.
ah youre a terf. i dont care about your opinion then.
Not sure how advocating for cis women makes me a terf. I don’t exclude trans people, I simply want feminism to work for cis women as well.
Not sure exactly where you are coming from with that. The main post was about women specifically, is pretty normal to see responses that are “non-trans pregnant woman” specific considering that (as far as I’m aware) we don’t have the technology to impregnate trans women yet.
And since the main post is about women, we can also assume we aren’t talking about pregnant trans men.
I know it’s fun to point your finger and “Gotcha!” But you are going to have to give us some pretty specific examples why if you want us to believe she’s a terf.
Did you get this talking point from Ana Kasparian? She recently made arguments like this, but they were a lot less reasonable. “Pregnant women and people” sounds like an easy compromise to me.
I did not, I don’t know who that person is actually. Thank you for thinking that it is a reasonable compromise.