Do you play Ranked?
What rank are you? How far did you drop at reset?

    31 year ago

    Ugh. I get too uptight with Ranked in any game. I start to worry about my placement and I stop enjoying the game.

    • @jimmyjazxOP
      31 year ago

      Totally, and I feel the same way when I have a crown. I’ve been tracking the players in my ranked matched and the winner is usually platinum 2 or 3 (I’m now silver 2) so it’s not even doing the one thing I hoped it would do, pretty much giving up on it.

        21 year ago

        I think I’ve kept a crown once. Pretty much all of my crowned victories are due to picking up someone else’s crown.

    • @jimmyjazxOP
      11 year ago

      Yeah i get that, I was never in it for the rewards, I was hoping for true SBMM. I’m only at 25/50 for the rewards.

  • @jimmyjazxOP
    11 year ago

    I got up to Gold 2 or 3 I think, then reset to bronze 3, now back up to silver 2. I was playing duo fill recently and one person I was paired with said they had reached platinum and were currently gold 3 and that was surprising since i was still bronze at the time. I guess I was hoping it would fix the uneven SBMM of pubs, but I run into players way better than me all the time.