For ebike users, do you switch gears, switch PA, or use throttle to go up hills?

  • FartsWithAnAccentM
    1 year ago

    I use both throttle and whatever the appropriate gearing is to help the battery last longer without the hills kicking my ass too much, but I ride a fatbike so it’s pretty heavy for a bicycle and it only has 7 gears so it’s not much of a climber unassisted. It has a shitty cadence sensor too so I pretty much always just use the throttle when I want the motor to kick in even while pedaling.

    21 year ago

    Throooootle. It’s such a fun experience still, having analog-pedal-bicycled for thirty years and now just zooming up literal mountains with a throttle.

    So much fun. More than my car, more than my motorcycles, and more than my regular bicycles.

  • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
    11 year ago

    On a mid drive I switch to low gears, maximum PA, and max my effort too lol to not put too much strain on the battery.

    On a hub I usually just walk it up the hill TBH, last time I tried going up on a 300w one it couldn’t do it even with my assistance

    11 year ago

    What’s the difference between PA and throttle? Is throttle considered no pedaling?

    Going up a hill it really depends on how steep and how long. I try to assist by pedaling as much as possible, but the gearing on my bike is too low so even in the highest gear, I’m not help much.