It could be something from today, the past week, or whatever. All things big or small are welcome too. I’m sitting outside today as a a part of my daily routine–it’s nice and sunny out, and there’s a gentle breeze which feels very relaxing. Doing so is pretty nice between the time I spend at the computer.

  • moved2tears
    410 months ago

    Every Time I turn on the tap for fresh water ,I am grateful that I have clean drinkable water that I do not have to go and get from a well or stream

    • glittalogik
      210 months ago

      Just got home from two weeks in Bali, we had a filter/dispenser there so at least we weren’t generating plastic waste, but it’s SO nice to be able to just drink/brush my teeth with tap water and not be afraid of opening my mouth in the shower.

  • LinkOpensChest.wav
    310 months ago

    My new longboarding friend. It’s not easy to make friends at my age, and I feel like fate smiled on me

    310 months ago

    That I’m kind of comfortable in my job right now so I don’t have to stress too much. It makes going to work easier, and allows me to relax when I’m at home.

  • glittalogik
    10 months ago

    I’m super grateful right now that my shoulder mobility is returning after a nasty fall at the bouldering gym last night. Still aches like a mofo and probably will for a week or two, but at least I can wipe my own ass :)