If you had the choice to keep autism spectrum disorder or remove it completely which would you choose? This would change who you are so I have another question that adds on, let’s say this is a reversible method would you see the difference?
Damn, I’d just use the reversible method to give everyone else autism and live in a more peaceful world
The autism I don’t mind so much. It’s all the comorbidities I’d want to do away with and never look back.
my me and my autism aren’t different things.
I think the premise is flawed. There is no non autistic version of myself especially as it’s a developmental disorder. So I couldn’t be allistic so much as I could be killed and and replaced with an allistic double. Similarly there’s no reversible procedure. Or at the very least memories formed by the allistic self would be recalled by and processed by my autistic brain so it would be akin to going into a coma and reading a story about this other person who lived in my skin while I was out. I suppose the real trick to make the question worked would be some sort of duality which I think you can tell I don’t believe in.
Cool thought experiment though. Helped me clarify my thinking, which is appreciated.
I was going to write something very similar but you phrased it much better than I could have.
Being normal sounds boring imao.
I’d rather fit in and be normal, so yeah. Fix this shit. The benefits gained do not outweigh the negatives that impact my life.
A double answer!:
Hell nah, I like who I am. Autism might be disabling but it also disables living a normal boring life in favor for a an actually interesting one. If normies have a problem with me, that’s a them problem!
I wouldn’t even bother trying if it was reversible. I don’t like that people like Elon think they should make a pill to ‘fix’ autism. I understand helping with the more disabling portions of ASD, but I don’t need to be fixed. I may need help functioning but that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with me.
Keep, just think about it. People like Linus Torvalds and Albert Einstein both have it.
I would instantly see a difference
Changing now, no. If it was changing back in like elementary school then probably yes. I’m too old now to ‘change’. Where would I even start? Shit I’d have to get a job and figure out my life. No thanks it’s more fun being a shut in xD
I would keep it. I love the way I think differently, and I am at a point where I think that if I do not fit somewhere, other people should work more to accommodate things I do differently (because I do work a lot to be sociable).
If there was a switch I could turn on and off at will, I’d probably use it. But no I wouldn’t give it up permanently.