Worth a watch.

  • jergy@lemmy.whynotdrs.org
    1 year ago

    A Review of Dan Olson’s “documentary” This is Financial Advice AKA The World Series of Lies || Part 2: Lies, Omissions and Strong Opinions Loosely Held


    Dan Olson’s video is a heavily biased opinion piece, not an objective documentary. Dan failed in his 2021 personal goal of becoming a Documentarian and instead created a Propaganda piece. Overall, the video engages in misdirection from start to finish and lacks any factual support for its opinions. Major issues:

    • Claims of Gamestop being overvalued contradicts data.
    • Presents extreme theories as consensus, ignores diverse opinions.
    • Wrongly says retail solely caused Jan 2021 price spike.
    • Downplays illegal trading restrictions in Jan 2021.
    • Misrepresents direct share registration, omits benefits.
    • Ignores mass investor direct registration, contradicts premise.
    • Unfounded claims on Ryan Cohen’s poor business record.
    • Links GameStop investors to criticized fringe subreddit.
    • Claims investors are addicted gamblers harming relationships.
    • Skips shorting mechanics explanation.
    • Excludes & ignores any community initiatives.
    • Omits counter-narrative from industry experts.
    • Unsupported claims to paint GME investors are bigoted, harmful.